two completely different races

valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
Hi all,

Just a quick mail to say thanks for all the advice & support last week.

I had a crappy half marathon - started walking at 10 miles and was really miserable crossing the line, my time was ok but only because some fella was decent enough to run with me and literally coax me along and stop my head driving me nuts.

Anyway I posted my splits up here got some really good advice & 8 days later was back toeing the line for another half marathon.

I had a completely different race! I think what helped the most was the advice around my splits I kept watching my watch which is something I never do I also fuelled differently - didn't use gels at all, just jellies then at 10 miles some flat coke. Crossed the line in 1.54 a pb more importantly ( to me) I felt great finishing and really enjoyed the race.

A really big thank you to those who took the time to reply & offer advice only for you I would not have had the race I had :smile:


  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    edited March 2015
    Great job, I decided to do a half in may instead of the 10k, so I need to find that thread to see what advice you got. It'll be my first running, (i walked the st. Jude one a couple years ago) so completing without walking is my only goal, don't care about time.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Fantastic! Much of the reason why I love this site. It's so nice to get advice from others who have been there and have experienced both the ups and downs of racing. Congrats to you for hanging in there and having a great race!
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member

  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    Funny the way that works out sometimes.