Adding Crossfit to my Exercise Diary

I have been using myfitnesspal off and on since I started cross fitting in March. I really wish the site would calculate the calories burned so that I can keep better track. The only exercise that comes close is calisthenics (pushups, sit ups), vigorous effort... Am I just being lazy, or is there a way I can enter it generically?


  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    You need to enter it as it's own exercise - I call mine Crossfit and calculate 350 cals per 45min session. Hard to work out exacts without wearing a HR monitor.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    You need to enter it as it's own exercise - I call mine Crossfit and calculate 350 cals per 45min session. Hard to work out exacts without wearing a HR monitor.

    Generally close to "circuit training" in terms of calorie burn
    I wore a HRM during my workouts so I got a general idea of my burn. The bigger the met con, the higher my burn... if it was a lifting specific wod, my numbers were lower.
    I entered mine as CF WOD under "add new exercise"
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    You need to enter it as it's own exercise - I call mine Crossfit and calculate 350 cals per 45min session. Hard to work out exacts without wearing a HR monitor.

    HRM's aren't really accurate for this type of workout or even just lifting so a compromise between circuit training and strength training burns is a good guess.

    Strength training - 100cals/half hour
    Circuit training - 200-300cals/half hour
    Stretching - 100cals/half hour

    I would say you could log the MetCon portion strictly as circuit training and then divvy up the rest of the class (at least from the way our classes are structured) as strength training and stretching. See what you get and then create your own "CrossFit" entry.