Not being hungry....can that actually happen?

KellyLyn68 Posts: 7 Member
Yes it can. Just because you need to loose weight doesn't mean you constantly eat. The reality is a lot of over weight people don't eat as much as you assume they would.
As for me I am never never. So, I have to make myself eat 3 meals a day and a snack, otherwise my body rebels something terrible.
If you have this problem how do you or have you come to an understanding with yourself?


  • vcfacebook5
    vcfacebook5 Posts: 1 Member
    I totally relate to this. My doctor yelled at me for eating between 800-1200 calories a day. She says it actually keeps me from losing weight because my body thinks it's starving. But I never feel hungry so eating is a major chore.
  • clair1508
    clair1508 Posts: 7 Member
    I can quite easily go till the evening without eating. If I do eat its normally to fix a hypo. I've just started trying to lose weight and have to make myself eat something small for breakfast and lunch.