Daily Report 2015-03-19

lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
Hi people,

Today I'm at my father's place and in is appartement there is a gym, a pool, a sauna... mmmhhh I think I have no choice but to burn some calories. :D

How about you ?

Have a nice day.


  • Mrsallen6_11
    Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member
    edited March 2015
    That sounds like some place I'd like to live.....if I didn't mind having so close neighbors, I'm more of a my nearest neighbor is a mile away kind of gal lol.

    I switched it up this morning and decided to do some zumba, it's been a couple weeks so I figured I'd work in a quick 45min., and then I almost regretted it. It rained and hailed last night, so my husband moved our vehicles so they wouldn't get damaged and pretty much hid my keys from me. I spent about 20min. looking for them only to find them lying on the ground right next to the driver side door, ugh. I still don't completely regret the extra workout cause I feel good this morning, I'm pumped and ready for the day. Going to get in another 45min. circuit today, yesterday's was cut short cause I started to feel sick in the middle of my workout (I think it was because I had ate a small snack and drank a bunch of water a few minutes before I started my workout), but I felt fine after I rested for about 10min. or so. Meals are prepped and ready to eat and I can't wait to dig into some more of that yummy spaghetti.

    "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." - Lou Holtz

    It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.

    ~ Kris
  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    Well that is a fun change of pace Isabelle. Hope you take full advantage of it.

    And Kris, you are always such inspiration. (I would love for my neighbors to be a mile away too but...no, they are not)

    I was able to walk for 90 min and do 30 min of strength training before bed last night. I also transplanted all my cucumbers and pumpkins. Today is my mother's birthday and I am taking her and my father to lunch. She picked a ....buffet! I really don't like buffets because I have a hard time not eating too much. I want some of everything. At least it has a huge salad bar (just monitor that dressing lol) and the best creamy tomato soup 200 calories a cup! I am sure I will have a great time and love every bite!

    Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
