March 2015



  • fun4k
    fun4k Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi Missm2 and welcome! Cchonka, thanks for the words of encouragement!! :smile: I'm also a member of a group called Moderation Management in order to keep drinking in line, as I often tend to over indulge... I hadn't had a drink for about 3 weeks but then some social situations arose (a friend at work leaving) and as last night was his last night he invited me to join him for a beer.. but that beer (of course) became 7!! I succumbed to several weaknesses last night - I skipped the gym (again), I went to the pub and wasted $100 gambling and I ate at McDonalds! In addition to the drinking that is... so all in all my program is suffering big time.

    I've been doing pretty well with the diet, eating healthy - but McDonalds last night was a BAD decision and I knew it as I was doing it.... Anyway, so that's where I'm at, and I need to get back in line pronto! My friend actually leaves town tomorrow and I'll be seeing him this afternoon... hoping that doesn't turn into another drinking session....

    Anyway, I'm reporting in and being accountable for my actions...
  • cchonka
    cchonka Posts: 36 Member
    Match every beer with a water. You'll be getting up to potty so much you'll get some steps in and probably drink less.
  • missm2
    missm2 Posts: 608 Member
    Morning all,
    Fun4k thanks,I hope you are well and back on track. Just a quick note to stay accountable. I've stayed on track and completes my workout routine for the week
  • Cambriac
    Cambriac Posts: 27 Member
    My week as well went great! Claudia has her 30 day squat challenge going and that has helped to keep me motivated!
  • fun4k
    fun4k Posts: 26 Member
    I've fallen in a hole for about a week now. Things going on in my life have contributed to me feeling down and out, and reaching for alcohol makes it worse, even though it seems to help at the time. So I'm reporting in to say I'm doing poorly. Eating wrong, drinking and no exercise for a week now. I'll need to reign it in soon....
  • Cambriac
    Cambriac Posts: 27 Member
    Get back to the basics. Good fresh veggies, healthy oils and non processed proteins. Chicken, fish, etc. In no time your energy levels will be back and you'll be out of this fog.

    You've done it before and can do it now!
  • fun4k
    fun4k Posts: 26 Member
    Cambriac wrote: »
    Get back to the basics. Good fresh veggies, healthy oils and non processed proteins. Chicken, fish, etc. In no time your energy levels will be back and you'll be out of this fog.

    You've done it before and can do it now!
    Thank You for the encouragement!!!! I really need it right now.
  • missm2
    missm2 Posts: 608 Member
    Happy easter everyone ☺ doing 30 crunch challenge and routine. Still not drinking enough water so need to step that up.
    Hope all is well with everyone