
philly_grl Posts: 5 Member
Hi all--Thank you so much for this group. I am happy to find it, because I truly do want this to be about improving my health (both physical--I have back issues--and mental--as working out greatly reduces my tendencies toward anxiety and depression, and my weight gain generally comes from not being active enough). At the same time, I experience many of the conflicts described in other posts on this board. I had an eating disorder as a teenager (that developed in response to some pretty stressful life events during that time), but then for years just felt that things would be so much better if I only lost "that weight." Then, of course, the other side of that coin is the tendency towards emotional eating...

So, it's a fine line here--how to use it to be mindful and cognizant without becoming hyper-aware. I try not to get too caught up on food tracking--estimations will be just fine--but I do find that more often than not it tells me when during the day I should probably be eating more. Less of a control issue; more of an issue of me confusing "anxiety" with my blood sugar crashing!


  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
    Welcome! Thanks for sharing your story.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Welcome aboard! Yea... what you're saying resonates for sure. It's a tough balance, mindfullness and for the "right" reasons. Not letting this process be another way we "overdue"control (when what it overcompensates for is so often like trying to catch smoke). Thank you for sharing, good luck, and post whenever!