
AndineC Posts: 20 Member
Does anyone have any issue wih acne? I am gf and mostly dairy free but have terrible acne? Does anyone have any tips?


  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    It's hard telling without being able to see your diary, but cut out the sugars and heavy starches, too. If you're eating "gluten free!" stuff (or what I like to call "fakewheat"), then be mindful of the ingredients. Many of the fakewheat products have more starches and sugars in them than their regular counterparts, which can contribute to acne.

    Also, make sure to get your hormones checked. Elevated testosterone is known to cause acne, and is a bit harder to deal with through diet alone (usually needs supplements to help correct the balance and ultimately lower testosterone).
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    Vitex (and other supplements) made a huge difference for me.

    If my diet is low carb I'm acne free except for pms time. Once my hormones started balancing my pms acne has mostly cleared up too.