Hubby's who need to get on board...

devoslosingit Posts: 48 Member
I have been attempting to get my hubby on board with eating healthy. We have made great strides over the last few years but I'm worried about him. He is a stay at home dad and even though he makes sure the kids eat healthy and he dislikes the way he looks he insists that he eats healthy. I constantly see him binge eating sugars, chips and other snacks, while getting very little healthy meats vegies and fruits. I worry about him as he is 9 years older then me. I wish there was a way for him to see that his eating lifestyle needs improvement and for him to have the drive to change it. Anyone else see the same problems in their hubby's?


    AJHOPEIT Posts: 10 Member
    My hubby will eat about anything. But we don't drink sodas or juice. We drink either water or milk. Fortunately for him, he NEVER Gains even a pound!!! Agrrrr! He is the kind who looks at the scale and loses weight!
    But he is great at supporting me with my weight loss journey whatever I make, he will be on board trying it out and helping out where he can!
  • devoslosingit
    devoslosingit Posts: 48 Member
    Thats awesome!
  • devoslosingit
    devoslosingit Posts: 48 Member
    Last night there was so much joy in my heart hearing my hubby talk about how he ate less pizza (one slice compared to his for or 5) because he is trying to eat healthier. Yes!!!
    AJHOPEIT Posts: 10 Member
    That's a plus for you, less means better!yaaaah!