Season 5 - Episode 16 - Season Finale - "Conquer" - 03/29/15

AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
This thread serves as a place to discuss speculation, and then reaction to the 03/29/15 episode.


Can you believe we're already talking about the finale?!?! :'(

AMC Sneak Peek:

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  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Intense! Loved the last five minutes.

    I don't know if I could be as merciful as Glenn. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be.

    Why didn't Maggie ever reveal what she heard Father Gabriel say? It's so frustrating when characters keep crucial information to themselves. Was Father Gabriel zoned out when he didn't close the gate or did he not latch it on purpose? He has a death wish so maybe subconsciously he didn't want to close the gate properly so that walkers would get him.

    The whole season was worth it to hear Carol tell Rick "Oh, sunshine, you don't get to have both", like the petulant toddler he was being. :D
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    When Morgan handed Daryl the map and it said "Rick Grimes" my heart exploded. The look that Daryl gave him made me want to cry, with joy.

    I really hope that the people of Alexandria believe in Rick now. It seemed like most of them were kind of leaning that way, well everyone but Pete and Deanna..
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    I loved the "how many of you do I have to kill speech" and when Deanna told him to kill Pete too. I'm glad Glenn didn't kill Nicholas, it proves that our group is better then the people they were originally trusting.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I think I loved every single thing about that episode. Every minute, every word, every deed. My favorite moment was the very end and that look between Morgan and Rick. Lenny James' acting truly blows me away. But when he handed the map to Daryl that made me jump around and dance.

    Even Father Gabriel seems to have maybe hit his rock bottom, although I wouldn't have been mad if Sasha had killed him. But so much mercy was given in this show.

    GAWD I could talk about this episode forever lol.

    RIP Reg.
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I loved that episode too. So intense. It was a great ending to the season. I'm so glad Morgan is finally with the group - especially since his perspective has changed so much from when Rick last saw him.

    My daughter said Glenn must be immortal. They keep almost killing him so much I'm afraid it's really going to happen soon.

    I love Carol! As we've said before, she's come so far from where she was at the beginning. One of the things that makes this show for me is the character development.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Holy smokes - my heart was racing through the entire episode, anticipating the worst, hoping for the best!

    Love Carol more and more each episode! Calling Rick sunshine and threatening Pete - I love that she's such a blend of nurturing mom and bad-*kitten* woman that is NOT to be messed with, she is smart, and quick and capable of so many things. Standing there with a casserole in one hand and a knife at Pete's chin in the other, with him towering over her and scared out of his mind (as he should be!) - and then she tells him she wants her dish back CLEAN when he's done! Hahahahaha! She's so awesome.

    Morgan was awesome, hoping we get to see more of him next season, love his calmness and incredible ability to walk softly and carry a big stick these days! Can't wait to see how that final scene might play out in the opening of the new season, with Morgan just saying that all life is precious to finally finding Rick shooting Pete as he's restrained on the ground.

    Frickin' Deanna - she sure changes her tune about Pete when his actions directly affect her. Tragic moment for her to lose Reg. I might have grabbed the gun and shot Pete myself.

    Nicholas & Glenn, probably the most nerve-wracking part for me - being out in the woods, making so much noise, Glenn shot and then pinned down by walkers - my heart pounded through all of their scenes.

    Not sure what to make of Gabriel and Sasha. Seems she might finally be coming to the end of her madness, at least I hope she is. I'd much rather see her get past all this and rejoin the group. And Gabriel clearly wants to die, but he can't even do that right! At least Andrea had some redeeming value at the end of her time, but I don't see how Gabriel can be of any use at all - he needs to be gone. Maybe the Wolves will get him next season. Hopefully first episode!

    The dude in the red poncho/cape thing confused me - I though it was Morgan when Aaron & Daryl were watching him through the binoculars. Didn't click until the end that it was some other poor, unfortunate soul. Interesting that the guy in the red poncho ended up with the Wolves - Little Red Riding Hood? :smiley: I guess he was just there to show at the end what the Wolves are about. Hated seeing one of them looking through what I assume was Aaron's stack of photos that he left behind in or near the car when they made their escape with Morgan. I wonder what their agenda is - they slit red poncho guy's throat, but then what? More cannibalism? Didn't show what they did with him after that. Assuming the trap with the trailer walkers lands unsuspecting people to take refuge in the car like Daryl and Aaron did, and then they get the walkers back in the trailers and can take the people? Obviously others have been trapped in there, with the note that Aaron found. Creepy. Whoever they are, definitely a ruthless bunch, hacking up walkers, trapping people, walkers on meat hooks, elaborate traps set.....

    How many weeks until October??? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    AmyRhubarb, Red Poncho guy was a new walker in the yard at the very end of the episode.

    Great episode.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with the LA Walkers this summer at least as a hold over until October.

    I'm assuming Pete was shot by Rick, but might it have been Reg to keep him from turning?

    I am impressed with what they have done with Morgan and it will be interesting to see what he brings to next season. I certainly didn't expect him to have the staff skills he showed. Nice touch.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    edited March 2015
    dward59 wrote: »
    AmyRhubarb, Red Poncho guy was a new walker in the yard at the very end of the episode.
    Oh, I didn't catch that. what's the point of capturing people and killing them I wonder, just to create more W zombies?

    I'm assuming Pete was shot by Rick, but might it have been Reg to keep him from turning?
    Possibly, they didn't show who caught the bullet, but from the angle of things, my impression was that he shot Pete. But they can make it any way they want since it wasn't shown I suppose. I was thinking this morning that someone was going to have to do something to keep Reg from turning, and wondered if it would be shown next season or if things will pick up a bit past these events. Would be interesting if Deanna had to do it - she's gotten a hard dose of reality, losing her son and husband - hopefully she realizes that her little sheltered world isn't as safe and sheltered as she thinks.
    I am impressed with what they have done with Morgan and it will be interesting to see what he brings to next season. I certainly didn't expect him to have the staff skills he showed. Nice touch.

    thefeniks wrote: »
    Love Carol, but not buying the scene with Pete. He did not so much as blink in his fight with Rick. But Carol slooooowly pulls a knife on him while holding a casserole in the other arm and he cowers like a scolded dog. I appreciate what they were trying to show, how strong she has become since season one, but I think it could have been written better.
    To me it came across as completely legit - Pete expected Rick to be a problem & was ready for confrontation with him - I'm betting he was not expecting Carol, or any woman for that matter, to stand up to him, especially with a knife to his throat, and that put the fear in him. And as soon as she left, his anger welled up, he dropped the dish, and stormed off camera, seemed to be breaking things in a fit of rage around the house, and then went for Michonne's sword.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I feel like there is so much to talk about!!!!

    First of all I have to say that Eugene's apology to Abraham and bedside vigil for Tara made me like that character more.

    Second, the scene where Sasha laid down in the pile of zombies was heartbreaking. It's like she feels that is where she belongs. :'(

    Third, I don't know if I trust Sasha and Maggie with Father Gabriel in his "church". He's clearly gone off the deep end. When Maggie offered her hand to him they seemed to focus on his hip and it seemed like he had something (possibly a weapon) tucked into the waistband of his pants.

    Last, who sprayed painted the warning about the wolves on the car? I don't remember it being there when Daryl and Aaron showed up. Did Daryl and Aaron do it after Morgan saved them?
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    AmyRhubarb wrote: »
    Interesting that the guy in the red poncho ended up with the Wolves - Little Red Riding Hood? :smiley:

    Good call!! I didn't put that reference together.

  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    dward59 wrote: »

    I'm assuming Pete was shot by Rick, but might it have been Reg to keep him from turning?

    It was Pete that Rick shot. I don't think they addressed the issue of Reg coming back. Might be something that they deal with on the season premiere in October.

  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    One more thing!!! I'm almost glad that Father Gabriel left the gate open...even though it was a dumb *kitten* move. I think it finally proved to Deanna that 1) Father Gabriel should not be trusted and 2) that Rick should be trusted because he knows exactly how to handle himself.

    I loved Abraham's description of Rick. Something to the effect of there is an ocean of *kitten* out there that you know nothing about and Rick is familiar with every bit of that *kitten*.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Oh yes!! Abraham's ocean comments were hilarious and right on! Loved that!

    And yes, so much to talk about - with each post I am remembering more things about the ep.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Last, who sprayed painted the warning about the wolves on the car? I don't remember it being there when Daryl and Aaron showed up. Did Daryl and Aaron do it after Morgan saved them?

    I thought the Wolves did that. Remember back at Noah's residential compound there was similar warning sprayed on a wall. I feel like they do that after they run through an area.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member

    I loved Abraham's description of Rick. Something to the effect of there is an ocean of *kitten* out there that you know nothing about and Rick is familiar with every bit of that *kitten*.

    That quote was hilarious!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    dward59 wrote: »
    AmyRhubarb, Red Poncho guy was a new walker in the yard at the very end of the episode.

    It was after the credits - there were two shots, one with Michonne taking the katana back down off the wall (yay, but if that's what Pete used, how did it get back on the wall?) and then the very last shot showing Little Red Poncho Guy lurching across the lot (I guess he doesn't like rave?) past a car that said "WOLVES NOT FAR" on it. Same thing that was painted in Noah's town.

    Deanna was holding Reg when Rick shot Pete. It was a little weirdly shot as far as where Reg was vs Rick.

    Love Eugene and Abraham making up. Eugene's speech was amazing and also probably the only thing that would have worked. Total acknowledgement and unrestrained apology.

    I'm wondering whether Nicholas is supposed to reform or something? He seems like a total monster so I'm expecting betrayal (more) from him down the line.

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Oh dang - the stream I watched didn't have the credits, so I missed the part with red poncho guy in the yard and Michonne with the sword! Off to find another link and see if I can get that part too!