New recepie !!!

katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
So I got home after work today and I really really wanted like spaghetti lol so I dug through the cupboard and found veggie noodles PERFECT! .... No tomatoe sause .... So my bfs grama suggested I use salsa ...... That topped with shredded mozzarella cheese .... YUMMY!


  • sunnydays851
    sunnydays851 Posts: 116 Member
    Sounds delicious! I love veggie spaghetti.... don't know why lol :p though I am not to crazy about salsa. Or spicy stuff in general.
  • S1508
    S1508 Posts: 14
    I also had spaghetti yesterday. What a coincidence :o . I never saw veggie spaghetti here, but i can imagine that it tastes delicious. Does it taste different than usual spaghetti?
  • katie5524
    katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
    Uhh a little but it's pretty much the same and I used mild salsa im not a spicey food person either lol I may or may not make it again tonight haha :p
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Thanks for sharing... sounds like an interesting combo :)

    I love spaghetti/pasta ...and that's exactly why I don't eat it! :p I can't seem to portion control it..even with whole wheat but that's OK, least I know so I can make other choices. I do like spaghetti squash but have only tried it a couple times.
  • katie5524
    katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
    What I do is I take a measuring cup and I only cook a cup of it or how ever many calories per cup it is depending on te pasta lol it's not hugely filling but I do work evenings so I get home late so I find a light dinner before bed is better then a heavy one :p but yea only cook what is one portion that way u can't over eat lol :p Cuz I looove me some pasta too :p
  • sunnydays851
    sunnydays851 Posts: 116 Member
    Why does pasta taste so good but is so bad?
  • katie5524
    katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
    The sugers in it maybe ....
  • sunnydays851
    sunnydays851 Posts: 116 Member
    Just joking :p
  • katie5524
    katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
    I made the BEST Grilled cheese sandwich last night rye bread three slices of marble cheese and chopped red peppers in the middle oh ! It was the best
  • sunnydays851
    sunnydays851 Posts: 116 Member
    Love grilled cheese sandwiches! Especially when there is tomato or ketchup on there. Sounds weird, but it's good!