Beginning goals



  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    OK, it won't just let me edit the original post i made in this thread for some reason, so i've just copy and pasted my 2nd week results here, hope that's OK :)

    Weightloss so far: 2.4lbs
    Current weight: 9 stone 8 (137.6lb)
    Target weightloss for April: 7lb
    Target weight by 30/04: 9 stone 2lb (130lb)
    31/03: (or whatever day you begin) 137.6lbs

    07/04: 134.2lbs (although i was drinking last night as an early birthday celebration, and even though i don't feel hungover or particularly dehydrated, i always seem to gain back a couple of pounds after a day of re-hydrating myself. So the reason i seem to have lost so much is in fact probably dehydration and my actual weight this morning should be 136.2lbs. I'll edit it tomorrow if it is any different!).


    Other targets:

    •To find exercises I can do daily with a fractured arm (I cannot tell how frustrating it is not to be able to even go for a run!)

    •To fit in to the pair of jeans which have been taunting me with their tightness ever since I bought them

    •To not be dreading bikini season so much, because I will be well on my way to a bikini fabulous body!

    •To not have one of my 'binging episodes' for the entire month

    How did you feel this week? Really good! Like i've actually managed to stick with it and see some positive results/
    [b[If anything, what did you struggle with?[/b] Tried to do some basic exercises with my fractured arm. Nope. Still no exercise for me :(
    [ b]How are you going to try to overcome this next week?[/b] Pretty much nothing i can do except play the waiting game!
    What are you proud of? Not binging all weekend. Also, i wanted an Easter egg but the shops had sold out so i bought a watermelon. Strange substitution, but a healthy one!!
    any other notes
  • buzzrio
    buzzrio Posts: 15 Member
    Ok, so not had the best of weeks weighing in as I've stayed the same, but it's being logged and moving onto this week.

    Weightloss so far: 2lb (started last Monday)
    Current weight: 16st 2 (226lbs)
    Target weight loss for april: 8lbs
    Target weight by 30/04: 15st 8 (218lbs)

    How do you feel this week?
    I started out well, and I've done more exercise this week than I have for a long time. Some of it I didn't include like some short walks I did which were less than 30 mins. The reason for this was by the end of the week, I found I'd eaten back most of my exercise calories most days, and since MFP tends to over estimate exercise calories, I think this is why I didn't budge with the weight. My calorie goal is 1520, and when I looked at my average it was more like 1800. Not good, so I need to be more food conscious this week.
    On the plus side, I've lost 1 inch off my bust and chest this week, and I've found I've slept so much better this week. I've rarely woken up through the night and not been able to get back to sleep, which is huge for me. So that in itself is a bonus! I managed 4 cardio sessions this week, plus 2 body weight sessions and some yoga, and had a veggie day, so almost hit my targets.

    So this week, I'm going to try and focus more on my food, and try not to eat my exercise calories back.if I do I'll only eat no more than 50% of them back. I'll try and hit 5 cardio days and just generally be more active. I'm studying for an exam at the moment and have had days in the house where I've done little else, so it'll be good to give me breaks during my study and clear my head.

    Anyway, sorry I've babbled on a bit, but hope everyone has had a good week and is ready for this week. Let's make it a good one.
  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    weightloss so far: --
    current weight: 196
    Target weightloss for april: 10 lbs
    Target weight by 30/04: 186
    31/03: 196
    07/04: 192.8
    Other targets:

    Do 30 minutes of elliptical 5x a week (at least)
    Lose an inch off of my hips maybe?
    Be able to do 20 push ups in one go

    How do you feel this week:

    I feel super encouraged! I've consistently gotten on my elliptical each night since Saturday, with two of those nights being 25 minutes in one go. In addition to that I did a lot of arm stuff over the weekend by playing with weights while binge watching Netflix.

    I know that tomorrow I'll be above q93, because that's just how my body is, but it's a new low since starting back on MFP :3 I'm hoping to keep this up and right now, 186 by the end of the month looks more than possible!
  • Kaylinerst3663
    Kaylinerst3663 Posts: 33 Member

    Name: Kay
    Age: 24/25
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting Weight (4/1): 216
    Goal Weight (4/30): Under 206

    4/1: 216
    4/8: 216

    Loss/gain for the week:
    Loss/gain for the month so far:

    Struggles or successes of your week: My goal is to focus on staying at/under my calorie goal and improving my NEAT everyday with little exercises. I also want to try and walk at least 30 minutes daily.

    1st week: struggled with bingeing a lot... Need to focus on self control.