Daily Report 2015-04-01

lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
edited April 2015 in Social Groups
Hi everybody !

How is your day going ?


  • Mrsallen6_11
    Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member

    Mine is going good, was really busy this morning so I didn't check in as early as I usually do. The hubby had to wake up early again for work, so I got up and did a fun zumba workout before I started getting ready. Yesterday I ran 1.5 miles in my new vibrams, I'm still getting used to them so my milage is going to be low for a while. Going to enjoy a 45min. circuit tonight after I do a little bit of grocery shopping this afternoon.



    Have a good day everyone.

    ~ Kris
  • SRJennings
    SRJennings Posts: 126 Member
    Hi ya group!
    I am on vacation, visiting my Mom. So fun to see her! We Are not doing anything extraordinary but a lot of chatting and silliness. This week will be a huge challenge. I did well with calories yesterday but was double the carbs! That usually make me gain 2 lbs .... Yikes! Anyway, I plan to enjoy her and stay as close to plan as normal. Hopefully, it will not set me back very far.

    I ran/walked a little bit today. I will try for more tomorrow!

  • playmadcats
    playmadcats Posts: 199 Member
    Tennis this morning, then veterinary cardiologist with one of cats. He has few issues but luckily not the heart problem we expected. Downside is I'm on nights and absolutely tired out after being up half the day.
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Congrats everybody ! Whouhou !!

    I had an awesome day. It was my first run outside this year (still -10 degres) but it was awesome. I ran 6 km.

    Running would be in my less favorite exercice and I don't know if there is a correlation but it's the one that I feel the most awesome after ! Quite a rush !

    I also did a full hour of yoga and that was great too.
    So I'm very happy today !


    Have a nice evening my friends !