Struggles and Work-arounds

kandell Posts: 473 Member
We all have weak spots when it comes to diet and exercise, otherwise we wouldn't be looking to lose weight. I was hoping to start a thread where we can talk about our particular weaknesses and discuss how to overcome them or get around them together! Kind of like an interactive "Eat This, Not That" but with tips for fitness as well.

For me, I love flavor. That love will cause me to continue eating after I'm no longer hungry just because I want to taste things. Recently I've been working on getting low or no calorie options to satisfy that.

When craving something sweet:
Fiber One bars - 90 calories
Gum - usually about 5 calories
Diet pop - 0 calories with a chance of cancer

When craving something salty:
Special K cracker chips - 90 calories

Watching Netflix on my tablet during cardio. I don't focus on the amount of time I've been on the machine and I don't get bored, so I'm able to go for longer periods of time.

What are some of your weak spots and work-arounds?


  • louiseyates1
    louiseyates1 Posts: 108 Member
    For me my biggest weakness is alcohol. But I have been working out 6 out of 7 days a week so that I can have a couple every now and then. I am also using coke zero / Pepsi max / diet lemonade etc instead of full fat stuff.

    I also struggle with portion sizes but I am now using a side plate and measuring using scales to weigh my foods as I was way way off with what I thought I was eating!
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    I get discouraged when I stay under my calorie goal, burn off 400-600 calories at the gym or walking around the park, don't eat those calories back, and the scale doesn't move for a week! I still haven't given up, but this is the 3rd time this has happened in the last 7 week's. I know it will start dropping pretty quickly soon, but I hate it when it does that! I think it's just all piling up in my gut. Anyone else eating low carb have a problem with being regular?
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    BTW, I live the "diet soda with a chance of cancer!" I never drink the stuff, mainly because of that. Not that I drink much of anything besides water, anyways, but that made me LOL!
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    My weakest spot is definitely lack of routine. I lose weight best when i'm pre-planning my meals and calorie allowances, but some days (such as all this time i have off for Easter) where everything is up in the air, it can be difficult. For example, today i'm having a joint birthday celebration with a friend and we're having a picnic, so there will be booze and food i have no idea what the calorie contents of are! I'm pretty good at guesstimating by now, but the lack of structure means mentally, i am very likely to lose control and end up binging.

    Honestly, i haven't found a work around :p Just got to be more conscious as to what i am actually eating and drinking i guess, and not let myself get carried away!