Digestive issues & weight gain on metformin



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Most of my heartburn went away... I would say don't drink water during meals, make sure to get ENOUGH fat at every meal, and just keep awareness of your acids. The majority of people with heartburn actually don't have ENOUGH of the right type of acid, so their bodies overproduce the kinds they do have, resulting in heartburn, so sometimes adding an acid like lemon juice or vinegar can help...(it does for my fiance...)
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Most of my heartburn went away... I would say don't drink water during meals, make sure to get ENOUGH fat at every meal, and just keep awareness of your acids. The majority of people with heartburn actually don't have ENOUGH of the right type of acid, so their bodies overproduce the kinds they do have, resulting in heartburn, so sometimes adding an acid like lemon juice or vinegar can help...(it does for my fiance...)

    so what is the other type of acid? Adding lemon juice and vinegar make my heartburn worse. Ive tried both.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    There are a number of acids in digestion. Many people do that unfiltered apple cider vinegar with some other stuff (there's a formula/recipe), but I really don't know. If you are one of those with the missing acids, it might take some research to figure out which acid component you're missing. My daughter was missing a different type than my fiance.... I don't remember all the research because its been a few years, but my daughter still has to be really careful with her diet (avoiding caffeine is one of the biggest for her, but she has non-scope verified GERD) and my fiance just drinks some kind of lemonade, stopped taking antacids, and is worlds better.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    There are a number of acids in digestion. Many people do that unfiltered apple cider vinegar with some other stuff (there's a formula/recipe), but I really don't know. If you are one of those with the missing acids, it might take some research to figure out which acid component you're missing. My daughter was missing a different type than my fiance.... I don't remember all the research because its been a few years, but my daughter still has to be really careful with her diet (avoiding caffeine is one of the biggest for her, but she has non-scope verified GERD) and my fiance just drinks some kind of lemonade, stopped taking antacids, and is worlds better.

    Huh interesting. I'll have to do some research. Ive had an ulcer since I was 12 (dont ask, horrible childhood trauma) and ive had scopes done and I've also got GERD. Ive tried the unfiltered vinegar after we talked about it in one of the groups, LCD, here, Keto idk which, but OMG was that the worst 3 days ever! Caffeine will make it horrible which isnt fun since I love coffee, but I try to keep that to a once a week maximum or I'll be in pain for days. Ive been rx nexium for the last 15 years but I really hate taking it because it depletes some nutrients if used long term. But things are getting bad enough recently Ive had to start taking it daily again even tho I am keeping my carbs super low.

    Altho, the heartburn recently might be the new piggy sausage we got from our pig last year. Used a different butcher and I am wondering if they put in some spice more than the salt and pepper we asked for. With this nightshade allergy, my lips break out and I end up looking like a newly infected Zombie and they can give me heartburn. I might ask hubby to lay off the sausage for a bit to see if it helps....

    I hope it isnt the sausage...that's 56lbs of sausage I cant use :s

    But Ill look into what acids might be my problem. Thx for the info!
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    I drink a lot of lemon water and I've been caffeine free since last Christmas. The added fat seems to make it worse... I'll have to do some research too...
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Fats actually help your acid problems, you just have to get used to them again. Can take 3 days to 3 months, depending on underlying problems...

    Sorry I brought up more questions than answers

    @Alliwan - what I remember with my daughter was she had to take Mylanta... She had to reduce stress. She had to avoid caffeine. She had to AVOID like hell any acid pills (Pepcid, Zantac). Even decaf tea was bad (tannins, I think).... Dairy aggravated hers but it was because we were moderately low fat... I have a feeling putting her on LCHF would have resolved a number of issues, because if she inherited my gallbladder problems, so much would have been eased.

    I know tomatoes and the acids in them where huge problems for me. So were sugars. Not drinking ANYTHING while eating or for 30 mintues after was important.

    Oh, and absolutely no peppermint or mint of any kind around eating. (like 1 hour before to 2 hours after)...

    If I remember any other factors, I'll holler...
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    I found a traditional medicinals heartburn tea that is magical... I just have a mug before bed cause laying down is the worst...
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I found a traditional medicinals heartburn tea that is magical... I just have a mug before bed cause laying down is the worst...

    Do you get it online or in a store? Any idea what is in it? Curious minds want to know. LOL
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    edited April 2015
    @KnitOrMiss The name brand is Traditional Medicinals and I found it in a local grocery store. The name of the tea is Organic Heartburn Soother. The medicial ingredients in each tea bag are 750 mg marshmallow root and 450 mg marshmallow leaf. It also has spearmint leaf in it for flavour.