Brush your teeth up & down all around..! 6/8

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
This may seem a weird challenge of the day but a part of taking care of our weight is making sure all the apparatus that go along are working fine. In the past I have mentioned getting your check up from your primary doctor but also what about the dentist?!
We first eat healthy foods by putting it in our mouths and masticating! So make sure you chew well by taking care of your teeth and gums! Floss and brush and yes....go to the dentist! I hate the dentist but I go because teeth are vital to digestion...good digestion that is. We need our gums to be healthy so bacteria etc don't settle in if they start to recede.
When was your last visit?



  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Last visit was about 3 weeks ago for me!!! I go every 6 months (yay insurance!) for a cleaning, I have a wonderful dentist named Dr. Pratt and he checks in every year at one of my cleanings to make sure everything is still going good. I brush twice a day and floss once (unless otherwise needed).
    I have to be careful since I don't have the final layer of enamel on my teeth so I can easily get cavities and can even easily break my teeth, I literally had the back of one of my teeth shatter one time when I bit into a sandwich (at the time I could still eat wheat and I bit down on a whole grain) so have to be very careful.

    There have been some studies that show that good dental hygiene is important to overall health because problems with oral health can affect other body health issues, so you're right even if you don't like going, time to go! If you're fearful, look for a dentist that offers a sedative for treatments (including just going to get your teeth cleaned!!)
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    My last dental cleaning was in either February or March. I'm about to get braces, so I'll definitely be seeing my dentist more often this year.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    My mom didn't get good dental care when she was growing up and she made it a priority for us. We got braces if we needed them and went to the dentist regularly. I am doing the same and am lucky enough to have great dental coverage. My kids and I saw the dentist in January. Our next appointment is July 9th.

    A great dentist is key. If you don't like the one you went to, go to another one until you find the right match. I've never been afraid of the dentist and neither are my kids. When I got married, the first dentist I went to was awful...never went back. Found a great one and the right hygenist and it was wonderful...they put my kids at ease and they loved to go see Erika and Dr John. :heart:

    When we moved, I had to take on the job of finding another good dentist and we lucked out the first time!!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I agree! I remember a couple years ago here in the DC area a tween went to the ER with his mother due to dental pain...he had an abscess and later died due to sepsis. It seems so 'simple' and folks take it as "oh just teeth" and I blame the dental society and medical society for making it that way! Education is so key! We need to teach your teeth as CUPCAKE said is so tied to your overall health and your proper digestion and absorbing foods.
    Kudos to you 407 for teaching your kids to like the dentist.
    Spread the word! IF no insurance I have found some dentist in our area will do a payment plan.