Day 8


Day 8- For the Body

In addition to eating well and toning, a well rounded physical fitness plan also includes cardiovascular routines.

This week I will be providing you with a few routines you can complete with or without a gym membership.

You will be completing Zone Cardio Training. Here is a cheat sheet so you know how to gage your effort.

Since for many of you this maybe your first introduction to Zone Training, let's keep it simple.

Today find an activity that allows you to spend 20 minutes in Zone 3. This can be walking, hiking, swimming, skating, etc.

Zone 3: Your Sweat Zone. You should be able to continue the activities you do in this zone for at least 20 minutes without stopping.

Here's to your health!


P.S. No matter where you live, if you would like to book a 1-on-1 fitness consultation with me, please follow the link to schedule a your 15 minute appointment.