SL, hunger and weight gain

dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
Hi all. I'm 45, 5'1", cw: 142 lbs. gw: 125 lbs. I'm currently following the TDEE plan, doing SL (on week 4), plus finally tapering for a 10 miler race this Sunday (after 10 weeks of training).

I'm currently eating about 1566-1650 calories a day although the past few weeks I've had major hunger pangs usually accompanied with rumbling sounds. I'm afraid to eat more for fear of more weight gain especially since my pants are bit tighter in the thigh area. Could it be the SL combined with the training? I know I'm increasing muscle, but I wish the fat would disappear. Hopefully, I'll see a change the week after my race.

Sorry to vent. I'm feeling a bit frustrated and know it has only been a few weeks since starting SL. Maybe my body is going through changes.


  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    There are many more people here that are much more well-versed in this then I am but I'll put in my 2 cents...How many days a week are you running in addition to SL? I'm thinking that you aren't eating enough.

    I'm 32, 5'4.5" CW 149.4 lbs, GW: 135 lbs and eating 1575 calories/day average and am still losing 0.5-1 lbs/wk. But mostly, I am losing inches which I'm much more focused on. I'd rather lose inches (and fat) and increase muscle mass, even if I stay the same weight. According to my inches lost so far, I look like I weigh 5 lbs less (according to my last weight loss journey a few years ago).

    That being said, I have had a few days where I get major hunger pangs as well as the rumblings, but I will usually end up eating a bit more those days - maybe 150 calories - I'll also try to add in protein-high foods to help prevent a carb-binge.

    It can definitely be frustrating though, that part I know. Make sure you're getting lots of water and you allow some time to recover after your race this Sunday (keep up with your weights but perhaps take a short break from intense cardio) and see if you're body is holding onto some water weight from starting SL.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I hear you on the fear on putting on weight, but the truth is, if you want to do all the things, you have to fuel yourself. When you start lifting, you start retaining water and building muscle. If you're constantly using your legs (as I expect you would training for 10 miles) then your recovery will suffer and eventually you'll stall. If you're hungry, you should eat!

    I'd suggest you take a look at the number this calculator gives you (and possibly a look around the website, it's loaded with interesting info on a method of getting lean and athletic without depriving yourself.) I don't feel there is a need to buy their books and they do advertise them profusely, but the content is worth the hassle IMO :)
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    When are you getting hungry?

    Once I've been hitting work weight I started getting really really crazy hungry on my rest day, a little less than 24 hours after I lifted. I'm talking I ate a big typical lunch with a good amount of protein and veggies, but then I get tummy angry feed me now that could probably pack in 1000 calories right there.

    I've been battling it with the following -

    More protein and juggling my macros - I do heavier protein on rest days, a bit more carbs on lifting days which settles the hunger beast some. If you are getting hungry the same day as lifting, you should probably mess with your macros some to see what works.

    What helped the most is taking casein before I go to bed, on lifting days. I manage to make it to dinner the next day without getting insanely hungry. If you don't want to take the awful sandy casein, have another slow digesting protein like cottage cheese. I've heard ice cream is a good one, which is more typically for people on a bulk.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Thanks guys. I'll take note on those days I get hungry and what's causing them. I also realized that while I'm eating lots of protein and enough carbs, I haven't been eating enough good fats. I'll play around with my macros next week after my 10-miler.