Week 1 - April 13th to 19th 2015

shirayne Posts: 263 Member
Hi everyone and welcome to the group! I'm excited to start this again and hope you'll have fun with me!

Here's how it will work (for now). I'll post new challenges on the weekend to give you a chance to prepare for the coming week. To join, all you need to do is post on the thread that you're in it to achieve it! Then, let us know throughout the week how it's coming along and more importantly if you've achieved it!

Please give me your ideas! I'd love to incorporate some of your challenges too!

So here are the challenges for the week starting April 13th!

FOOD: I recently discovered that I LOVE arugula but there has to be something other then salad that I can do with it! So pick a leafy green (spinach, arugula, it doesn't matter!) and let's see if you can use it in 3 different ways this week! Share your photos and/or recipes if it turns out great! :)

FITNESS: This is a repeat of my first challenge from when I started the group. We had a blast with it so let's see if we can do this again! I want 175 jumping jacks this week! That's only 25 per day! Sounds easy? Feel free to "up" the number! But wait! There's a stipulation! I want some of them done in 3 different locations! How crazy a location can you think up??? Will there be other people around? Share the results! :)

Have fun!


  • princesspayton
    princesspayton Posts: 14 Member
    I am in it to achieve it! :-)
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    I am in for the Fitness one! Some of the leafy greens give my belly an issue so I don't want to play around with that.........

    but Jumping jacks I can do!
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm in! I already had spinach in my smoothie this morning. Jumping jacks aren't my favorite, but I'll do them.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Woot! I'm glad you're with me! Last time I did this jumping jack challenge, I did them in my cubicle at work, in the parking lot before getting in my car and in my backyard. It was hilarious!

    @hippychick: If leafy greens don't agree with you, are there any other green veggies that do? If not no worries... I started this to get me eating more healthy stuff and to get me moving. If the movement part is good for you, then it's a win and maybe the ext food challenge will be more up your alley!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    Oh I'm in it to achieve it! So far I've got the spinach and brussel sprouts for the greens... do brussel sprouts count?

    Jumping jacks... and in 3 locations... now this is going to be interesting! LOL
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    Oh dear LORD! 25 jumping jacks just proved to me that I'm no where near the physical ability I use to be (which i was sooo sure i still was!!!). My knees said to me, "really tramp? Don't expect much of us, do ya!" LOL. Ok, so that was 25 jumpin jacks in our carport at 4am... yeah, i looked like a lunatic to anyone wandering by. Now for some green stuff... hmmm... More on that later.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I can't do jumping jacks (I can't really do static jumping due to knee issues) but I'll see if I can substitute something else for them :)
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Let me know what you come up with! Maybe we'll use that in a future challenge!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    shirayne wrote: »
    Let me know what you come up with! Maybe we'll use that in a future challenge!

    I'm thinking of my slightly modified burpees. I would have to cut down the number a little, maybe 15/day?
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    I'm in on the food challenge! I love greens.
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    I am ready to start the challenge today. I like the idea of trying to do them in funny places. As someone who took part in GISHWHES I really want to incorporate that fun side. Today I am wearing a dress so I am going to try and go out to Central Park on my lunch break and do them there in my dress. See how busy it gets!

    As for the greens I can eat some of them so I am going to try and add them in this week slowly to see how it goes.
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    25 jumping jacks down... place: car port time: 0630 when the neighbors are all coming out to work response: lots of smiles and head-shaking! LOL
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Niiice! I just did mine in my office (that I share with 2 people). One joined in the other chuckled! LOL

    @bregalad5: Do it! There's always room for modifying things to make them fit your life!

    I've been looking up recipes for arugula and other than salads, there aren't many. We'll see how things go!
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Did my jumping jacks! Not at the park but on my front lawn with all the kids on the block. The parents had a good laugh
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    Did my jumping jacks! Not at the park but on my front lawn with all the kids on the block. The parents had a good laugh

    LOL That's the spirit!!
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    Did my jumping jacks! Not at the park but on my front lawn with all the kids on the block. The parents had a good laugh
    I love your style Chick

  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    My plan for the week Sauteed kale, spinach in my soup and to hunt for another recipe.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Good morning! So I added arugula to my homemade tomato/meat spaghetti sauce last night. It didn't taste bad but I wouldn't do it again. Not sure if it's the texture or what but something didn't work. LOL On to the next attempt!
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Good Morning!

    Today's Jumping Jacks were done in the bathroom at work. The cleaning lady thought I was nuts but by the end she was giggling.

    Also the cafeteria at work has a Whole Grain Super Salad today. It has I think kale and other leafy greens in it. I will try it and let you know what is in it lol! Have a great day everyone!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    jumping jacks in the living room (boring, I know), and OMG peeled a bunch of brussel sprouts, spread the leaves, and spritzed them with olive oil, sprinkled some garlic powder over them and threw them in the oven until crunchy! DIVINE!!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    25 jumping jacks on the roof looking out over the beautiful pacific ocean. Only one neighbor could see, but he thinks I'm crazy anyway, so he just shook his head and laughed...lol Romaine lettuce in my salad for dinner tonight along with chicken and other yummies. Have a great evening everyone!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    I've got to try that brussel sprouts recipe! Sounds delicious! I forgot my jumping jacks yesterday so I"ll catch up today :) I did do them in my basement on Tuesday with my husband looking at me wondering what the heck possessed me to jump out of my chair and do jumping jacks. LOL

    Arugula made its way into my salad so that's 2 ways. Still not sure how I"m going to do the third; maybe just wilted like spinach with a bit of lemon? Hmmm
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Yesterday I did my jumping jacks in my living room. I wasn't feeling great so I wasn't as creative. Today though is laundry day so I am going to do them in the Laundromat. :p

    Also today I had spinach in my egg wrap. Was pretty good!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    No jumping jacks yet, but I did make some tuna salad for tomorrow's lunch and dropped about 1/2 tsp in a Brussel sprout leaf that I had left from the brussel sprout chips adventure and it was YUMMY! So steamed brussel sprouts, baked crunchy brussel sprout leaves and little tiny brussel sprout leaf wraps! Goal 1 met!!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    I really need to try those recipes! I love brussel sprouts! I'm behind in my jumping jacks too but I'll catch up this weekend. I'm 2 for 3 in the "greens" challenge. Doing the 3 Saturday. How is everyone else coming along?
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    25 more jumping jacks down... holy cr*p! Thee things are just NOT getting easier! My poor overworked KNEES! lol
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    LOL They are very hard on the knees! Grrr.

    Did my third arugula recipe tonight... wilted in butter and lemon. Meh... spinach is better. :)

    How did everyone else do this week?
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Sorry I am so behind on posting! Weekends are all over the place.

    Friday - I did my jumping jacks in my cube at work. I did them in the morning so only the building security laughed at me

    Saturday was spring cleaning so I did them in my bedroom. Boring. I know.

    Sunday I went to a brewery so I got some drunk dudes to do them with me at the bar. Fun times!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    LMAO that's awesome!