Do you look at the WOD before your workout?



  • okulyd
    okulyd Posts: 147 Member
    Workouts for the week are posted on Sunday. I get excited and am constantly checking my phone waiting for Sunday's update. It helps with picking clothing and also deciding what time of day to go. I find if its a really hard workout that I do better if I go in the evening class cause people push me more than first thing in the morning.
  • leahkite
    leahkite Posts: 47 Member
    I always check, no cherry picking here.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    leahkite wrote: »
    I always check, no cherry picking here.

    Same. I am too much of a type-A planner to just go in blind.
  • katikindschuh
    katikindschuh Posts: 9 Member
    I check pretty regularly for a few reasons. I don't cherry pick and don't take a rest day until Saturday or Sunday, so no worries there. But I check mainly to calculate weights am before I go in the morning and to make sure I have the right equipment. Example, I wear shorts on squat days but leggings when we do clean and jerk work. Ultimately, I don't have to absolutely check but it fits in my routine fairly well :)
  • mccraee
    mccraee Posts: 199 Member
    I used to workout after work and I found that I kind of worried about what we going to do. Now, I workout in the mornings. Never know until I get there what it is and that is fine.
  • kozinskey
    kozinskey Posts: 176 Member
    I use Crossfit as cross-training for other sports so it's really important to me that I can check beforehand. I don't cherrypick just because a certain WOD looks like fun or looks terrible, but I will choose to duck out of workouts that would double up on something I did the day before if I'm worried about injury. I see why some boxes don't want to post it, but that seems a little controlling to me. We're all adults and can handle the consequences of our actions.
  • Aviation21
    Aviation21 Posts: 154 Member
    My Box never post WOD's, half the time when I walk in they haven't even wrote the WOD on the wall yet.

    I like it that way, I already am too obsessed with CF as it is! ;-)
  • officialcrossfitguy
    officialcrossfitguy Posts: 12 Member
    My Box takes a week off but I've downloaded an application that uses an RSS feed so I'll find out if they do indeed post them. I do like knowing what I'm going into...but it's tearing it up regardless, right?
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I wake up at 5 and check- the excitement gets me out of bed! the only time I cherry-pick is if my shoulder is bothering me and it's a big pushing day- in that case I will go on a bike ride or work on jumprope or something in the park.
  • Kekekylene
    Kekekylene Posts: 112 Member
    our box has a regular fb page and a "competitors" page. The competitors page gets the weeks programming every sunday. i rarely change my rest days and won't ever intend to not go to just because I dont like the wod. I do however like to know because sometimes there is a good reason to change it up. For example i usually take wednesday and sunday as rest day but yesterday was DL 1RM re-test from a month ago. To me since I did the inital test I felt it necessary to change things around so I could go yesterday. we also have a lot of people who do a lot of their own programming and only incorporate a few classes so they need to know for that.

    i also personally just like to know!
  • Leighkai76
    Leighkai76 Posts: 26 Member
    I always check and I only recently started cherry picking since I have a currently have a shoulder issue and coming in and doing 75 snatches isn't going to happen. Doesn't mean I rest though, just means I run or ride my bike.