Daily Report 2015-04-09

lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
Hello ladies,

My PMS (and period) is hitting hard this month. 3.5 pounds heavier, I feel slugging and moody. :( I'm having more trouble than usual to stay positive. But, I still do ! ehehe. And I look at you and you are so inspiring.
I'm gonna try to do yoga and walk today or maybe take my bike for it's first spin of the year.

Have a nice day !



  • Mrsallen6_11
    Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member

    There is no shame in taking things lighter due to your T.O.M., a bike ride sounds like it would be nice. Makes me excited for this weekend.

    So far my day is pretty normal, I woke up, ate breakfast, worked out, and pack my snacks for work. I'm going grocery shopping tonight and I have a very long list. Going to try to squeeze in a run after I get everything put away, hopefully I can get in at least 15min. but I'm striving for 30-45min. today wearing my vibrams. I don't want to push myself too hard though, cause they're still new, but I don't really like these short slow runs. They seem to take forever to finish but when I'm done I barely feel like I even worked out, ugh.




    Have a good day everyone.

    ~ Kris
  • ShandaMSanders
    ShandaMSanders Posts: 22 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies!! I hope everyone has had a fabulous day!!! Another day in the trenches here - BUT, I avoided the cheese dip & tortilla chips and chose a serving of almonds instead. Then I avoided the urge to eat out at lunch and ate what I brought instead. THEN, I avoided the new bag of mixed chocolates that our lovely office accountant "shared" with the office and drank a Dasani (H20) instead!! Is it getting easier to say "No, thank you?" Not really, but now that I'm down 19.5 lbs. where I started isn't as close as it use to be and where I want to end up doesn't seem so far in the distance! THAT is my inspirational message to you wonderful, lovely just the way you are, incredible women:
    What you were no longer matters because now you are better and on your way to the best you yet!! Hang in there ladies! 4gaqrrmcbafh.jpg

    God Bless!
  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    Isabelle - sorry you aren't feeling well but good job on planning to get up and do something anyway.
    Kris - you have a great routine!
    Shanda - Good Job! on all the no thank yous. That was really good will power!

    Well, I had a long day at work, came home to an empty house, hubby is off playing with his band tonight and I just was not motivated to do anything. Ate dinner and the Girl Scout cookies in the freezer were just calling my name....over and over and over. I finally gave in. That did not make me fell better. So I got off my chair and went down to the treadmill. 60 full minutes of running. Now I feel better! Weigh in day tomorrow.

    "Don't wait until you've reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of yourself for every step you take towards achieving it."

  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Well done everybody!!

    I took it easy, my bike tires were flat so I walked ;) at least 40 minutes.