Soon to be first time mom

DonnaS30 Posts: 2 Member
hi ladies. I will be a first time mom in the next few weeks :) I've gained so much weight!!! 50lbs to be exact :( I was on MFP before and lost 40lbs and worked out all the time. I'm looking to join a new moms group so I can get motivated asap. How long will I have to weight to start working out after baby? Ugh, I'm so looking forward to getting back on track and getting the motivation I need here on mfp :)


  • Alcoria
    Alcoria Posts: 167 Member
    hi im not a new mom but I am a mom of 3 girls ages 7, 6 and 4 and the best advice is wait for the doc to give the ok to workout again I gained like 60+ lbs with my first pregnancy and my third pregnancy I only gained like 10lbs after giving birth to my third child I was up and walking around 30 minutes after delivery the docs told me then I could workout again as soon as I felt ready once leaving hospital after my first I had to wait the 6 weeks til after the 6wk checkup than I was given the ok so I guess it all depends on the docs and how you feel but you don't want to push it at first just easy into it. hope my advice helps and congratz on the little one.
  • sophroniapete
    sophroniapete Posts: 11 Member
    Hello. I am a first time mom to a 7 month old. I have a vaginal delivery with no complications and got the OK to start light my 4 week pp appointment. At 6 weeks I was cleared to do anything I wanted to do. Just be careful when you are cleared fully because it take some time for your stomach muscles to come back together. Congrats on the baby. Sidenote....I too have about 50 pounds total to loose from pre pregnancy and pregnancy.