New To This.. And I Need Advice

Today is my first day battling my binge.. Before I'd just give into it. But I'm sick of eating to the point where it hurts to move or throwing up. Binging makes me feel miserable and I don't want to be that way anymore. But so far it's been really hard. My mom has been trying to help a lot.. but sometimes it doesn't work.

But anyways I would like to know your advice and try and see if it works for me! So my first question is, how do you prevent your binge and what do you do to bounce back from a binge? Also I am going on a cruise with my family in two weeks.. Do you have any advice as to help keep me from binging on the cruise? Because I am really really nervous about that one!

Any advice will help! So please help :)


  • Thin1979
    Thin1979 Posts: 48
    Welcome! I am a fellow binger and have been battling with this condition for so long. I have tried everything from hypnotherapy to supplements. Unfortunately this condition is caused by some underlying emotional factor and that piece has to be dealt with before the calories can be conquered. Do you binge at night? Try writing down what has happened before the binge and how you are feeling during the binge. I would like to be friends and maybe we can help each other through this. I am 34 and lost 100 lbs and kept most of it off but I never kicked the binging completely. Take care.
  • breskid14
    breskid14 Posts: 4
    See I've always tried to look for a pattern and I can never find one! I binge at all different times during the day. And thank you!
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    For me what works (well not to totally prevent but at least delay so I have some time to "calm down" before my binge), is to get out of the house. I only binge when I'm alone so I have to force myself to go out and socialize with people so I'm occupied with something else other than thoughts of food. Best of luck to you! x