New & looking for buddies to motivate each other!

Hi! I was sleeved on March 19th. I am down 30lbs and trying to add exercise back into my life! I use to exercise a lot as I was trying to lose weight for years and my body didn't handle it well. I got bursitis in my hip & sciatica. I have been in pain for the last year and a half with back and hip pain. It was the final straw that got me to consider surgery. Anyways I am feeling good, and losing weight now! Back & hip pain are still there but I am hoping as the weight comes off the pain will get better. I am a mom of two & happily married. I am just trying to navigate this new lifestyle & if anyone can relate and wants a friend with a positive attitude & someone to mutually motivate each other please add me!


  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    My advice to newbies is to read a whole bunch of threads on the WLS groups and send friend requests to people in all stages of the process that resonate with you or have similar stats and goals. You will really see the inner workings of the veterans, see the daily struggles and see what people are eating at all stages. You will also be able to be that example for those earlier in the process and (for me at least) help keep me accountable.
  • lenac87
    lenac87 Posts: 383 Member
    Welcome! I agree with Rob, there is a lot of good support and information available in this group. Congrats on your surgery, it sounds like you are doing great so far! :)
  • duffslove
    duffslove Posts: 125 Member
    Congratulations on your new life journey and your weight loss so far! i was sleeved on March 4, 2015, just about 2 weeks ahead of you. Add me as a friend if you'd like. ive had some similar typepain issues, arthritis in both knees, (no cartilage behind knee cap of 1 knee) and some degenerative disc disease in my back, and sciatica..just a constant type pain since i can no longer take my dicloflenac or any othertype of nsaid for inflammation, its rough but ive found that the more weight i lose and the more i regularly exercise the more tolerable it is, but it took awhile to get to that point..several weeks of bad pain, and now it's there but im able to function with it! Good luck to you and best wishes, i hope you can get some good ideas from others and find something that works for you
  • lorilbuckner1
    lorilbuckner1 Posts: 172 Member
    Welcome! I was sleeved Feb 16th. Always happy to have new friends! I understand struggling with pain. Just had injections in my knees to help with the pain. Getting back on track with walking this week. I can tell what a difference the weight loss and exercise is making for the arthritis in my bip and back too. Lots of great support and encouragement in this gri
  • _Divalicious_
    _Divalicious_ Posts: 18 Member
    I had my surgery Jan 22, I had some complications which put me in the hospital for another week. I have lost 40 lbs, stalled out, and ate more. losing again. also just joined a gym and am working out on the weight machines as well as walking a mile at least every day. :)
  • bookerlr
    bookerlr Posts: 51 Member
    I was sleeved February 18th. Feel free to add me. I am also looking for friends to help with this journey.