Having Kids and Gaming



  • Lothlorien_Woods
    Lothlorien_Woods Posts: 58 Member
    2 girls 2 and 3 and 13 year old boy. We mainly play tabletop games but my hubby plays the adult games in his man cave and not in front of the kids. We have oir family games mainly Lego Demensions but we may get Disney Infinity when the girls are older
  • crawforgarten
    crawforgarten Posts: 22 Member
    I have a son (4) and a daughter (2), and I've done my best to only play games in front of them that are age appropriate. So a lot of Golf, Football, and Lego based games. I let him play the Lego games, he loves making the characters "fall down" to their death. It's quite humorous to him.

    I've debated getting him Minecraft, because I think it'd be good for him developmentally. But I'm not sure if he'd get it...

    It stinks, my queue of adult games is getting very long. I haven't finished Alien Isolation and I got it when it came out 2 years ago. Despite that, I keep buying games when its a good deal and not playing them.