Daily check-in Week 3 ~ April 20th - 26th



  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    malika1976 wrote: »
    Afura wrote: »
    @Brans34 I had a morning walk on Monday and was just dead the rest of the day (I had felt peppy before that), so I'm with you on the morning exercise is a no. Works for some people, so awesome!
    Yesterday I had a bad day at work, and decided to walk instead of taking the day off and walked 1.88miles, my longest distance since I started walking. Beautiful day, nice cool breeze, lots of things to see.
    My motto this week when I get frustrated (I just did all this exercise, why am I not magically skinny??) seems to be from Wreck It Ralph - One game at a time.

    Congratulations on the 1.88 miles. It's great that you're able to increase your distance.

    They say 'You didn't get big in a day, you can't expect to lose it in a day.' Which kind of makes sense, except that I can put on an awful lot of weight on a bad day :neutral:

    You're not kidding. I can do some serious damage in a day. :angry: It's more like penance, you did something that happened in an instant, now you have to work it off for days.
  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    I've lost 10.9 lbs between March 9th and today. My starting weight when I joined this challenge was 164.3 lbs. and today I weighed 153.4 lbs. Today my doctor told me that I am no longer considered overweight and that I can start trying to maintain my current weight if I want to. If I were to fail to lose more weight would this disqualify me from the challenge?

    There really is nothing that would disqualify you from this challenge. I am thrilled for you. This challenge is about support, no matter if you and 10 or 100 to drop or if you just need support to maintain!!

    @kayjosh2422 ----Thanks! I truly appreciate that I am still able to remain in the group for support since it is a well-established fact that maintaining weight is MUCH harder than gaining or losing weight for those of us who have food issues. I am VERY determined to continue weighing/measuring/logging my food for the rest of my life since I feel SO much better now that I am at a healthy weight!
  • groovigyrl
    groovigyrl Posts: 72 Member
    edited April 2015
    First time that I've gone off track. I guess, after a while, I get bored of eating only clean foods. Hubby brought home Mexican leftovers. Got home late last night and munched.....then munched (grazed) more today. That $%#@ Mexican food! Went over my calorie limit today for the first time in ages (but only 300 calories). Tomorrow is a new day. You gotta live, ya know? Not going to feel guilty. It's behind me and it was AWESOME! So worth that extra 300. LOL.
  • malika1976
    malika1976 Posts: 180 Member
    @kaygosh2422 Big congratulations on getting to a healthy weight. You must be thrilled :)
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