Daily Report -2015- 4-22

scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
Good morning all.

Isabelle and Susan, I just posted in yesterday's discussion about how I did a pull up. That sounds so funny.

If you read my newsfeed, you know about my "eating at 2 in the morning". I was hungry. I have lowered my goal to .5 lbs a week loss, that should help.

I'm not upset with myself. I know I must have needed the extra fuel. I have been more active all around.

I am really enjoying my garden and planting. Keep starting new seeds. The grounds are filling up and everything looks so great!

Went to get my bike down to ride to find out my husband got rid of it when he cleaned the garage :open_mouth: He says he'll get me a new one. Now to find time to bike shop. lol

Have a wonderful day everyone

Sometimes you Win, sometimes you Learn.

