Other Beachbody Programs



  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @jpkrueger What makes you think I'm doing them? LOL! I literally fell on my butt the other day doing the modified version of the PiYo kick through. I mean, honestly, with my balance? C'mon! It'd be nice to believe someday I could do them but for now sometimes it's just enough I'm somewhere on the floor trying to do something. :pensive:

    @venuila I always watch a workout before I try it because of the physical issues (not limitations!) I have. If I know what the workout will demand of me, I'm better able to modify as I follow along.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I'd give 30DS another try SatiaRenee sometime.. two years ago when I did her workout, I used books and soup cans. I was pathetically weak.. in ten days, I noticed a huge difference in my cardiovascular abilities. Only thing with her DVD is that it does get boring.. I don't even know how I am doing a second round to be honest.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @dixiewhiskey Well, I have 30DS and Ripped in 30 (I believe that's the name) so I can alternate them. Plus her DVD for beginners so that's three I could alternate. (And, I think, but don't quote me, my son and his wife have a Jillian Michaels Mother's Day surprise for me. I'll let you know late Sunday or Monday.)
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    I watched part of the first workout in PiYo today....wow! It seems really fast paced and not gonna lie, that seems really intimidating at the moment.
    Since tomorrow is day 21 for me I think I am going to do Jillian Michaels one week shred, since I have it and see how that goes this time.
    Definitely plan on doing another round of 21 day fix at some point, it's got to be my favourite so far, even if I can't do some of the moves without modifying them. Like the one where you are side plank and lift your leg up (in dirty 30) how can anyone do that?! lol am eager to be able to say that I can but definitely not now.
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member

    SatiaRenee- so now I am confused. Based on other posts I thought you had been doing PIYO along with 21DF but now I feel like you don't like it? ? I get bored so looking for another DVD. You also mentioned Jillian - would you recommend her DVD's?
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @mrsmuckster Not sure what I said that suggested I don't like PiYo. Saying a workout is tough or that I struggle through it doesn't mean I am not enjoying it. Exercise should be challenging otherwise it won't offer any results.

    As for Jillian Michaels . . .yes and no on the recommendation. Yes, they are effective but, if you bore easily and don't build muscle quickly then no. I never got strong enough to get past her level 1 and doing the same exercise day after day after day gets boring fast. Have you tried your local library? Most of them will have Jillian Michaels DVDs. That's one of my favorite ways of trying out new workout programs. Unfortunately, beachbody doesn't let public libraries lend out their DVDs otherwise I'd just try them out that way. And with my physical limitations, I prefer to try a DVD before buying it.