Check In! - Cinco de Mayo through Monday May 11th

AmeeSandhu Posts: 120 Member
I'm going to blame it on Monday for forgetting them on the check in threads.

While I've been a bit absent, I have been working out. Yesterday, I actually did my body revolution AND a run walk before leaving for work. I got behind in the BR workouts and should be starting week 3, but rather than start over, I'm modifying and won't have to cram in a bunch of workouts that I was trying to do.

Going to check the other threads and see how you are all doing!


  • AmeeSandhu
    AmeeSandhu Posts: 120 Member
    Bumping this back up to the top so we'll see it better. Is everyone getting some great weather where they live? I think it's great for encouraging more activity!
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    Ug, I cant get in the habit of checking in here. I need to do better! I have been working out, just not telling y'all.

    Today I did Body Revolution workout 3 and 10 minute 30 day Butt Lift workout. I am going to do Firm Upper Body Sculpt (weights) and walk this evening. I am tying to work off 900+calories a day. Hawaii in 4 weeks!!!!!

    How is everyone doing on their eating. I havent been following Jillians meal plan. I need to look at it again, but cant do 1200 calories with extra workouts. Ive been eating about 1400 and not having a lot of carbs other than fruit and Greek yogurt. I will add brown rice or a sweet potato if I feel myself getting tired. So far I am ok. I work on getting a lot of protein so I can build and keep muscle.

    Amee- great job with BR and your run. I am doing the Couch 25K.
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    Oh, I lost 2 lbs last week. Hoping for more, but I will take it.
  • Topaz4321
    Topaz4321 Posts: 9 Member
    HI... although I haven't been checking in, I've been really good! I've been working out every morning and I walk (up a mountain) on my lunch hours. Yesterday, I also took a walk after dinner with my daughter. I've been extremely active and very careful about what I am eating. I have not binged for over a week now!!

    Holly - great job on losing 2 pounds!!

    Amee - I've restarted the BR so many times I've lost count... I should probably be on 3 as well but I restarted 1&2 this week and am going to 3&4 next week instead.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Hi all! Glad to hear that everyone is still doing well. My eating was seriously derailed while I was out of town (we had amazing amounts of food from friends and relatives), but I did go for two runs while I was there. Also got in a riding lesson yesterday, which felt amazing. Was feeling down and thought about canceling; so glad I didn't. Completely overslept this am, so going to try for a run on the treadmill tonight after the kids are in bed. If it happens, great, if not, will try again for tomorrow. Also plan on a walk at lunch today to clear my head and get some fresh air.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Way to go folks!

    I did Chalean Extreme today. Week 2! That workout is tough and fun. I'm not looking forward to Friday's... that one was a killer last week.
  • AmeeSandhu
    AmeeSandhu Posts: 120 Member
    Hi hi! On my phone so I'll make this short and sweet until later. No workout this morning in lieu of sleep. I took my husband to the emergency walk in due to him opening the car door into his face, really hard. He's fine other than a black and very sore eye And some cuts. I took care of him and then my 18 year old got sick from a rockstar drink. Like super sick. She won't be drinking those anymore, thank goodness!

    Not short - so sorry. Lol
  • AmeeSandhu wrote: »
    Hi hi! On my phone so I'll make this short and sweet until later. No workout this morning in lieu of sleep. I took my husband to the emergency walk in due to him opening the car door into his face, really hard. He's fine other than a black and very sore eye And some cuts. I took care of him and then my 18 year old got sick from a rockstar drink. Like super sick. She won't be drinking those anymore, thank goodness!

    Not short - so sorry. Lol
    Glad they're both O.K. !!!

  • No exercise in the morning, but 2 hour walk in the afternoon.
  • AmeeSandhu
    AmeeSandhu Posts: 120 Member
    Keep up the morning workouts people, yay!

    I'm out of town on a business trip so my schedule is a bit out of my hands. I planned ahead though so no workouts ate getting missed.

    Ty Bill, yes they are both ok. Just makes me thankful again how great orurhealth is! And why it's important to keep exercising! !
  • Topaz4321
    Topaz4321 Posts: 9 Member
    I didn't work out in the morning yesterday but I did walk the mountain at lunch and an intense zumba class last night.
    This morning, I did Jillian's BR disc 1 again... push ups are getting easier. Planning on walking the mountain again at lunch today.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Chalean Extreme Burn Intervals today. I was supposed to do the ab workout after, but I just did not have enough gas in the tank. I'll work it in after tomorrow or Saturday's workout hopefully.
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    Today I have done 30 Day Butt Lift and workout 4 of Body Revolution.

  • 1 hour Pilates in the morning, 2 hour walk this afternoon.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Happy Friday! I ran 3.5 miles yesterday and plan to go horseback riding today (if work cooperates). If not, I will go for a walk. Also planning for a walk at lunch--I have been having a hard time making lunchtime walks a habit, so that might be my goal for May.
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    Improvingbill -awesome workouts!
    howalawya2003- horseback riding sounds fun!

    I have been very inconsistent with my couch 25K running. I have aceraged one run a week for the last two weeks. I finished week 2, which is 1.5 minute intervals, but last ran the middle of last week. This morning I was going ti just to repeat the week 2 workout, but decided to just try the week three, which is 3 minute intervals. Not only did I do it, but my last run I pushed myself and went past my time to run a 4 minute interval. I know runners laugh at that, but I am 60 lbs overweight and out of shape so it is a struggle and mind game to push myself when my body tells me to quit the whole time. I am learning not to listen to my body because I am capable of more than I think. It will be hard, but I can push myself.

    I ate eggs and had a protein drink and letting it digest some then have my Body Revolution and 30 day Butt Lift workouts to do.
  • Improvingbill -awesome workouts!
    howalawya2003- horseback riding sounds fun!

    I have been very inconsistent with my couch 25K running. I have aceraged one run a week for the last two weeks. I finished week 2, which is 1.5 minute intervals, but last ran the middle of last week. This morning I was going ti just to repeat the week 2 workout, but decided to just try the week three, which is 3 minute intervals. Not only did I do it, but my last run I pushed myself and went past my time to run a 4 minute interval. I know runners laugh at that, but I am 60 lbs overweight and out of shape so it is a struggle and mind game to push myself when my body tells me to quit the whole time. I am learning not to listen to my body because I am capable of more than I think. It will be hard, but I can push myself.

    I ate eggs and had a protein drink and letting it digest some then have my Body Revolution and 30 day Butt Lift workouts to do.

    Way to hang tough and stretch those perceived limits !!!

  • Rest day, just a bit of easy walking.
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    The good and the almost bad: we went to supper and arena football game with friends. I am gluten free and we met at Sam and Gregs and i tried their gluten free Polynesian pizza. It was very good. The almost bad: I have wanted to try their gelato and see if it is as good as gelato from Italy. It was good. I got the small cup. I then had a glass of red wine at the game.

    The good: we left our car and walked parked near the restaurant and walked 15 minutes to the auditorium. It included going down 4 flights of stairs then we had stairs at the auditorium. I did them as fast as I could. So, going back to the car we had another 15 minute walk and went up the stairs.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    That sounds great-- you may have burned off the gelato with all of your walking ;)

    I have been grounded from anything more strenuous than going for a walk today. I'm prone to heat exhaustion and dehydration, and hit a bump in the road when I was working outside yesterday. I called for my husband who brought me my water as he scolded me and told me I was done outside for the day. This morning, he told me that I need to just rest. He's a kind and easy-going man, but I've also learned that when he puts his foot down, there's no point arguing, lol

    So, I'll go for a walk today, but Chalean Extreme is not to be.
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    Bookworm. . Take care! Listen to your hubbie, when they say to stop and rest we need to listen and give our body that time to recharge.

    I didnt workout today. We took everything out of the laundry room and cleaned it and i painted it. Tomorrow we will reload it all back in and organize it. I just let my workout go.
  • AmeeSandhu
    AmeeSandhu Posts: 120 Member
    Hi guys! I've had a bit of a bump in the road with motivation. HAD is good though because I'm trying to build on what I've got going now. I know that sounds very vague. I just got down on myself for slipping up. I just got done with Body Revolution workout 3. Whoa! It WILL get easier. It WILL get easier! lol! Now I'm about to go hit up the treadmill for some run/walking. Everyone have a great Monday!!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Great job sticking with it! I know it's hard sometimes... keep going!

    I kept my appointment with Chalean Extreme today, but I couldn't get Hubby to wake up on time. It was a good workout to start what promises to be a stressful week.

    Have a good one, all!
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Hollyelise--congrats on the C25K intervals! I loved seeing myself progress doing C25K--it is amazing what our bodies can do. I am kinda sorta doing the bridge to 10K, but have mainly just shifted to just running certain distances with walk intervals as needed.

    Amee--hang in there and don't get down. You are back at it and it will get easier!

    bookworm--hope you are feeling better. Rest is important, too! And hope you enjoyed your rest day too, bill!

    I did ride my horse Friday, which was fun, but had a horrible run Saturday, had to cut it short and only did 2.44 miles. Ugh. The happy thing is I redeemed myself by going 6.47 miles on Sunday morning. It was fantastic! We have a great, shaded trail that is really picturesque and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I did walk quite a bit, but finished in 1 hr 30 min, which is about the same pace as my last 5k race.

    So today I plan to walk at lunch and otherwise have a rest day. Happy Monday everyone!
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    Amee, I did workout 3 today. Yhise plank walk outs and plank to good mornings are torture. I like back of the body workouts so much better!

    Bookworm, glad you are feeling better and were able to workout.

    Hoyalawya, ha, that would be an epic run for me! I am sure you feel better for doing some rather than none. Next time you will kill it!

    Today I did Body Revolution workout 3. I also did 2 sets of leg raises on my weight machine with 50# weights. I am going to do some more shoulder and bicep weight work with heavier dumbbells later. I also have my 10 minute 30 Day Butt Lift workout to do. We have baseball tonight and the trail I run is across from the park so I am going to walk while the boys warm up before the game. I may run depending on if my hisband is with me or not. He hasn't seen my super slow run and i dont know if I am up for my special forces Marine to think he needs to push me along.

    Funny story....we went hiking last year and coming up the mountain I was struggling and really out of breath. I was slow and a couple of times stopped to catch my breath. He was ahead of me exactly like a drill sargeant telling me to hurry up and dont stop and "Pain is weakness leaving the body" and basically annoying me almost to tears. I got mad and he got mad. I was really mostly disappointed in myself for being so out of shape, but i was also proud of myself for getting out there and doing it. So him not acknowledging the good and harping on the bad embarrassed me and hurt me. I didnt talk to him for two days. Just did what I needed without starting a conversation. Finally the 2nd day I told him I was sorry, but he had hurt me, but was sorry I had ignored him for two days. He didn't even know I had not been speaking to him!
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    Just got back from a hike. It is only 2.2 miles, but we went to the neighborhood on the mountain instead of the trail and walked up a big hill and down then back up and down. I am going to feel this tomorrow!
  • One hour easy walk in the morning, half hour weight lifting, half hour Pilates this evening.
  • Topaz4321
    Topaz4321 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm still on workout 1 & 2 of Jillian Body Revolution.... I will be moving up to 3 & 4 next week. In the meantime, I'm also doing zumba twice a week and walking daily. Been eating really well too... making good choices and being more aware of what I am eating. Every day is a struggle, I'm not feeling the energy they say comes with eating well and working out but I think that takes time (from what I remember when I did this last time).

    I'm an emotional eater and it's a rough time for me... I'm separating from my partner of 22 years and we are in the final 2 months of packing etc before moving into my own place. I'm really trying to not resort to my old habits and go for walks when I feel the anxiety rise but I had a setback on Saturday. I ended up eating probably a cup or two of granola... just mindlessly shoveling it in but I stopped myself (perhaps later than I should of) but at least I didn't move onto something else. I ended it there and went for a walk and continued without letting my mishap ruin the entire weekend. Baby steps....
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Hoya-- it sounds like you had a good weekend. Great job getting those runs in!

    Hollyelise-- How are you feeling today after your hike? That sounds like a great way to spend an afternoon!

    Bill-- Are you doing a weight lifting program?

    Topaz-- I'm an emotional eater as well, and it's tough at times. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles right now and hope everything turns out alright. You handled the granola like a champ it sounds like.

    My dad is having a 5 bypass surgery today, so I'm probably not going to be overly concerned about logging. I will do my best, though. It sounds like the doctors are expecting a smooth surgery and recovery, but I'm so nervous anyway... it'll be tough to not hit the vending machine today. I started trying to do 10 push ups and squats whenever I feel like eating just because I'm nervous or upset. We'll see if I'll feel too weird doing so at the hospital today!
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    Bill-awesome job getting in activity! How is your food going? Any struggles/ sucesses?

    Topaz- I am sorry for the big emotional things you are going through. Every day we have a choice to make good or bad choices with what we eat and if we move. I know I let any little thing throw me off and in my mind I think tomorrow will be better to start fresh. I encourage you to today do what is good for today and even if you fall to let the next meal be healthy and do something active even if it isnt a full workout. It sounds like you are doing great! I hear you on the energy. I struggle there, too.

    Bookworm-praying for your have this! I am a little sore, but it isnt too bad yet. I did my Body Revolution and then weights on our weight machine also. I think I will feel it tomorrow. My husband left on a trip today so I am going to just do a small hill (it is like 20 yards high) that is next to our house tomorrow. I thought I would just run up and down it about 20 times.

    I ran week 3 day 2 of couch to 5K today. It was 90 second then 3 minute interval running. I also did Body Revolution workout 4. Later I have 30 day Butt lift, and I am going to do lat pull down bar and some extra back work with weights. We have been walking at night but my husband went TDY this morning so I probably wont walk tonight. 19 days to Hawaii!!!!! #Beastmode