Falling off the wagon and the guilt. Feel like a loser? Feel like quitting?

xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
Let's face it. Temptation is out there, everywhere, all the time. And despite our best intentions, we give in to it. Sometimes really give in. And then afterward we feel terrible about what we did, whether it's one donut, a meal, a weekend or a year. We can feel like complete failures and really come down hard on ourselves and even quit altogether.

The thing is that no one is perfect all the time. But everyone is imperfect some of the time.

The best part about screwing up is that it already happened. It's in the past. So if you want to forget what you did, then go right ahead! I don't care what happened yesterday, or even just a moment ago, and neither should you. It's over.

You can always start again... right now!

Some of the greatest inventions, endeavors and achievements took hundreds or even thousands of slip ups and mistakes before reaching their goal. Each mistake they needed to learn from, and analyze what they did wrong so they could correct it for the next time. The same goes for our diet and weight challenges.

We're not failures because we messed up. We're really only failures if we don't get back up and we quit. So don't quit. If you fall, get up!.... Again!!... Right now!!!

Keep fighting!!


  • SuziBoston
    SuziBoston Posts: 445 Member
    Love you!! Thank you!!! You are amazing!!! ;)<3
  • Whosebeeping
    Whosebeeping Posts: 99 Member
    R u an inspirational speaker?? You should be!! Thank you for your words of wisdom. I have very strong feelings about those moments being learning experiences to help us be successful in the long run. Just my way of thinking.
  • klriano
    klriano Posts: 24 Member
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Well said Koala! Thanks.
  • xKoalaBearx
    xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks everyone! Keep fighting!!