Checking In

So how is everyone doing in knocking out those last 10-15 lbs?

I have been going in the wrong direction. My waist is a 1/2 inch bigger and my weight is up 3-4 lbs. I am surprisingly calm about it. This would have ruined my day (or week) in times past. I know I am not going to stop working out. I know I am going to control my eating (for the most part). I know the extra lbs and waistline will come right back off.

Also, based on my measurements and the mirror test, I think some of my weight gain is muscle.

Nevertheless, I still have that final 10 lbs (now closer to 15) to lose.

How about you?


  • Mommy2akt
    Mommy2akt Posts: 46 Member
    I am down about 5 pounds since starting to watch my eating and trying to exercise more, which is great. but... Today feeling bad cause I leAve for my trip Saturday and really wish I did more. I know that 5 pounds is great, but honestly don't see it in the mirror, or in the way my clothes fit. I know I need to stay positive so It can keep coming off. Going to try and do what I can for the rest of the week and then enjoy my vacation and get back at it fully when I return. :happy:
    Moody: great job at staying positive :smile: It is probably muscle!
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    Mommy2akt, you are heading in the right direction! Good job!
  • K_Mcfadden321
    Moody - It is hard to stay positive and keep going when you aren't seeing the results you want when you want them. I struggle with that a lot. It definitely sounds like some muscle gain if the mirror is looking good and you don't feel like you have gained fat.

    Mommy - 5 lbs is a great accomplishment!!! I am sorry you aren't seeing it in the mirror/in your clothes. Just keep going and maybe change up your workouts. Not sure what your regular workout routine is, but I bet if you added in or increased strength training you would see and feel a difference. Sometimes the night before I have an event I know I want to at least feel confident for, I'll do a good amount of squats/lunges and some push-ups and planks just to feel the soreness the next day. Don't ask, but it makes me feel better about myself, haha. Maybe this week try to get some extra strength training in and you'll feel better for your vacay!? Either way, enjoy :happy:

    I am currently staying with a friend and her scale is telling me I am 4 lbs lighter than my scale said so I am thrown off bc I know it is just a difference in the scales. So I don't think I have lost any weight but hopefully in the next few weeks I will see a loss (according to her scale haha).

    I feel like I have been doing better eating wise and not craving bad stuff as much which is awesome. I started crossfit this morning and think I will get good results from that in the coming months.
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    Hang in there, K! I have and, at times, still struggle with that. Keep moving forward and tweaking things, and the results will follow.
    Maybe crossfit will be the tweak that gets you over the hump.
  • K_Mcfadden321
    Thanks! I think the change in workout routine will help me out alot. Plus, since I have been staying with my friend I have been walking 2+ miles a day to/from work/gym (and I am speed walker) so hoping it all adds up!
  • sunnmuun
    sunnmuun Posts: 76 Member
    No change is the scale but it looks different...I am trying to read "Strong Women Stay Thin" to set up a weight program to go with my C25K and other cardio. Something has to work...:smile:
  • K_Mcfadden321
    sunnmuun - I have never heard of that book, you will have to let us know how it is. Seeing a change in the mirror is better than scale anyways. I've been having that same issue myself recently, I'll feel that I look like the scale should be moving down, alas it stays the same or goes up!!!! I just don't get it sometimes.
  • Sunshine4209
    Sunshine4209 Posts: 7 Member
    good job guys on staying on top of things. I have had a crappy week, not logging in my food and not working out as much as I should have. But Monday is a new week. I don't see change in the scale at all, actually it is going up :( I am doing heavy weight training so it might be why.