Taking action

sytar7 Posts: 29 Member
I have lived with IBS my whole life, even as a baby...

Long story short, I have been on a low fat diet for years and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Stress is my other trigger and it appears I have little to no control over my stress level.

I have been using mfp on and off for 3 years now but I have never logged everyday. (I would just log on the weekdays and try to remember what I had over the weekend on Monday.) This time I have been encouraged by some members to log everyday and I'm on my 11th day in a row!!!

I thought I was doing really well until I had an evacuation today, after what I thought was a perfectly health meal. This has prompted me to take it up a notch. I have started keeping a detailed journal that I hope to share with a nutritionist or a dietitian.

My goals are:
- identify triggers
- identify "safe" foods
- identify ways to "de-stress" (what am I so stressed about anyway?)
- always be prepared

I'm excited to join the group and I'm hoping to learn more about how others have gone through this process. Also if anyone is going through this process now maybe we can commiserate/bond.

Does anyone recommend a nutritionist over a dietitian or vice versa?

Thoughts are welcome :)


  • sytar7
    sytar7 Posts: 29 Member
    update: it is slow going. I think the fallout from last weeks incident is over and I'm back to normal.

    Keeping the detailed journal is a little harder than I expected but I'm hoping it is worth it in the end.