100% Challenge - Spring Means 100% Green - Mon 5/11 to Sun 6/21 - Join Anytime!



  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    6/12 NOT 100%. Being single again is hard on the diet. You go out trying to get back your life (my husband passed 3 years ago) and having a drink here and there takes me off plan. Food wise I do well, most of the time. Making wiser decisions on that avenue, it's just the having fun and letting loose that gets me into trouble. Back at trying to be on plan today.
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    06/12 100 %
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    06/12/2015 100%

    Hi All
    It was still 76 degrees at 7:05 when I said to myself I skipped my Walk Yesterday so I'm going today. 1 Hour later and 1.9 miles later with a stop at the Quick Chek for a extra Large Black Coffee I tottered up to the house, Then I started the sprinkler for the flower bed in the front of the house. I decided to get double duty from it and put the hanging plants down where they got watered too. Then while that was going I went in back and watered the garden that rings the Patio.

    Have a Great Weekend

    I posted the above in another message as a FYI. I'm being lazy doing it here too. :)

    Add on: Out in Pennsylvania not that far over the border from NJ, in Bethlehem, Pa. The news this morning was showing a warehouse with part of the roof blown off and some Tractor trailer trailers blown over on their side. Thunderstorms and Rain too. Here in NJ We never saw any rain nor got any Thunder, it dissipated before reaching us. We got lucky :)
    Congrats to all OP!

    Roger, what was the long story behind the banana?

    Cindy, did you fall asleep again?

    Hi Flo
    Not that long really, but the Bananas were getting really ripe. Since I lay out the next days Breakfast and put the Printed food plan on the refrigerator door, I was putting the packet of NS Protein Shake by the Blender Stick, Made sure the frozen NS Cinnamon Roll was in the Kitchen freezer section, and went to split the banana off of the other one and sit it by the Blender cup for morning. It not only broke off by the stem, it peeled 1/2 way down the banana, so rather than waste it I ate it as a part of my Dinner. Just Your normal Murphy striking.

    6/12 100%

    Yay!! Made it through another day...even with taking DH out to dinner to celebrate the end of another school year. Lean broiled steak, baked potato and salad...plus a 2nd 2 mile walk after dinner. It was a good day...headed off to bed...nite, nite everyone!

    Hi Millie
    a second 2 mile walk in the evening. Good Going, No way I was going to do that with temps in the high 80s even at 10PM. :)

  • CanyonDweller
    CanyonDweller Posts: 129 Member
    100% 06/11/2015

    Beautiful day today, so this will be short. There is a nice breeze and it’s only 70 degrees at 10 am. I need to get out and enjoy it.


    Peaches and Cream
    ½ cup sugar free sliced peaches topped with Dannon Light and Fit Greek Vanilla Yogurt. Yum! Yum! Had this yesterday and it really hit the spot, seemed like I was cheating and was very filling.

    Tootle Loo!

    Have a great day!
    Linda Kay
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    6/12 100%

    On 6/11 I didn't get all my water in. Sorry, I forgot to put that.

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    100% 6/13


    88492762.png yvpo8w8c7k41.gif

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    edited June 2015
    6/12 NOT 100%. Being single again is hard on the diet. You go out trying to get back your life (my husband passed 3 years ago) and having a drink here and there takes me off plan. Food wise I do well, most of the time. Making wiser decisions on that avenue, it's just the having fun and letting loose that gets me into trouble. Back at trying to be on plan today.

    I did not know you lost your husband, Donna. I am so sorry. I cannot imagine. I'm sure going out like that is hard ...

    You will find that happy medium of staying OP and enjoying new company. (((HUGS)))

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »

    06/12/2015 100%

    Hi All
    It was still 76 degrees at 7:05 when I said to myself I skipped my Walk Yesterday so I'm going today. 1 Hour later and 1.9 miles later with a stop at the Quick Chek for a extra Large Black Coffee I tottered up to the house, Then I started the sprinkler for the flower bed in the front of the house. I decided to get double duty from it and put the hanging plants down where they got watered too. Then while that was going I went in back and watered the garden that rings the Patio.

    Have a Great Weekend

    I posted the above in another message as a FYI. I'm being lazy doing it here too. :)

    Add on: Out in Pennsylvania not that far over the border from NJ, in Bethlehem, Pa. The news this morning was showing a warehouse with part of the roof blown off and some Tractor trailer trailers blown over on their side. Thunderstorms and Rain too. Here in NJ We never saw any rain nor got any Thunder, it dissipated before reaching us. We got lucky :)
    Congrats to all OP!

    Roger, what was the long story behind the banana?

    Cindy, did you fall asleep again?

    Hi Flo
    Not that long really, but the Bananas were getting really ripe. Since I lay out the next days Breakfast and put the Printed food plan on the refrigerator door, I was putting the packet of NS Protein Shake by the Blender Stick, Made sure the frozen NS Cinnamon Roll was in the Kitchen freezer section, and went to split the banana off of the other one and sit it by the Blender cup for morning. It not only broke off by the stem, it peeled 1/2 way down the banana, so rather than waste it I ate it as a part of my Dinner. Just Your normal Murphy striking.


    Haha, yes, Murphy wreaks havoc, doesn't he? :)

    It's been hot here, too. Not triple actual triple digits yet ("feels" like it is) ... rained today, too, but no storms.

    You are very lucky. Glad things are safe your way, Roger ...

  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    6/12 NOT 100%. Being single again is hard on the diet. You go out trying to get back your life (my husband passed 3 years ago) and having a drink here and there takes me off plan. Food wise I do well, most of the time. Making wiser decisions on that avenue, it's just the having fun and letting loose that gets me into trouble. Back at trying to be on plan today.

    I did not know you lost your husband, Donna. I am so sorry. I cannot imagine. I'm sure going out like that is hard ...

    You will find that happy medium of staying OP and enjoying new company. (((HUGS)))

    Thank you.
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    06/13 100 %
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    edited June 2015
    100% 6/11 and 6/12. WI 207.4 (-2.2)
    I really wanted a pizza from pizza hut last night but somehow I managed to resist and just went to bed.
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Good for you, ginny. Great control. :) And, congrats on the -2.2 pounds. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2015

    06/13/2015 100%
    Challenge Weigh-in on Sunday = 0.7 pounds lost since Monday morning. :(

    Hi All
    Happy Sunday
    I have been out walking today, I went via McDonalds for my Large Black Coffee and took a different route home again. 2.52 miles today. It was OK outbound and inbound to the house except where there was no shade. I Laid out a possible route for tomorrow or another day, depends on mood and weather, That route goes past the McDs for 2.76 miles total.

    Have a Great Day
    ginnywed wrote: »
    100% 6/11 and 6/12. WI 207.4 (-2.2)
    I really wanted a pizza from pizza hut last night but somehow I managed to resist and just went to bed.

    Hi Ginny
    I would like to congratulate You on resisting that craving. rdb.gif

    Lest I forget, Really nice weight loss too.
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    ginnywed wrote: »
    100% 6/11 and 6/12. WI 207.4 (-2.2)
    I really wanted a pizza from pizza hut last night but somehow I managed to resist and just went to bed.

    Wonderful Ginny :) trust me I know just too well how that feels. And nice weight loss !! Good for you :)
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    edited June 2015
    weigh in today 06/14 = 198.8 lbs.

    - 2.0 lbs. from last Sunday

    I am so happy to be below the 200 lbs. mark and my next goal to achieve is the 175 lbs. mark. I am hoping to achieve that at my birthday which is on August 30th....and after that I just have 25 lbs. to go to my goal line.... I know I can do this :).
  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    Weigh in 210.6 up .6
    6/13 Not 100%

    First time on this journey since February that I have been up on my weekly weigh-in. Not being able to exercise and not staying on plan really shows. New day, new week, and back to it.

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    edited June 2015
    RogerToo wrote: »

    06/13/2015 100%
    Challenge Weigh-in on Sunday = 0.7 pounds lost since Monday morning. :(

    Hi All
    Happy Sunday
    I have been out walking today, I went via McDonalds for my Large Black Coffee and took a different route home again. 2.52 miles today. It was OK outbound and inbound to the house except where there was no shade. I Laid out a possible route for tomorrow or another day, depends on mood and weather, That route goes past the McDs for 2.76 miles total.

    Have a Great Day

    YAY, Roger. Congratulations on the loss. :)

    suegen1 wrote: »
    weigh in today 06/14 = 198.8 lbs.

    - 2.0 lbs. from last Sunday

    I am so happy to be below the 200 lbs. mark and my next goal to achieve is the 175 lbs. mark. I am hoping to achieve that at my birthday which is on August 30th....and after that I just have 25 lbs. to go to my goal line.... I know I can do this :).

    Wonderful, Sue. I am rooting for you. You WILL do it!!!

    Weigh in 210.6 up .6
    6/13 Not 100%

    First time on this journey since February that I have been up on my weekly weigh-in. Not being able to exercise and not staying on plan really shows. New day, new week, and back to it.

    And, you will be successful, Donna. I know you will!

  • CanyonDweller
    CanyonDweller Posts: 129 Member
    100% 06/12/2015

    Congrats Sue and welcome to Wonderland! Being in the one hundreds instead of the two hundreds really gave me a boost and determination to carry on. You GO Girl!

    Have a great day!
    Linda Kay
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    6/13 100%
    WI 166.9 (-0.6)

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Chalmation wrote: »
    6/13 100%
    WI 166.9 (-0.6)


    Nice job, Cindy. Congratulations on the 0.6 pound loss.

    6/14 100%

    Weigh in today with 1 pound loss!!!!!!


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