I have to really do it this time.

Mum24Kids Posts: 20 Member
I have been on again, off again, for about two years in my efforts to lose weight and get fit and healthy. My biggest challenge is that I feel like expending energy and effort on myself is selfish. I know it's not true. I know that eating healthier foods in more reasonable amounts, taking the time to exercise, and being more mindful of my own health and well-being in general - these things will make me a better wife and mother than my current strategy. But it is SO HARD to let go of the old habits. We are relocating at the end of June, and my husband is going ahead of us, so for about a month I'll be on my own with the children. I know that dealing with the inevitable stress (we've got four children, aged 3,4, nearly 7, and 8) will be a bazillion times easier if I am eating well and exercising, so I really need to do this. I always do well in the beginning, and then life creeps in and swallows me up, so next week this time I'll be struggling.


  • MindfulNat
    MindfulNat Posts: 83 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I am a mom of 3 and also struggle once the dieting honeymoon phase is over, that's when self discipline and consistency should be there for us to continue. Good for you for not quitting though! We keep trying and that's already great. Plus dont be too hard on yourself; you're moving plus you have 4 kids that's a lot to handle! One step at a time. I think a big part of it is believing that you can do it. And so one step at a time you'll get there !
  • Mum24Kids
    Mum24Kids Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you for your encouragement; we can do this!!