Should I buy one?

Abbye_97 Posts: 15 Member
I have been debating for over a week on whether or not I should buy a Fitbit Flex. Can anyone give me a list of pros/cons? Why you love it? Is it worth the money? Etc. All feedback is appreciated and I'd love to be friend with you all!


  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I like mine a lot. it was a gift but knowing what I know now I would definitely buy one. I like having the data that the Fitbit gives me about my actual activity level and I like that it adjusts my calorie goals on MFP to match my actual needs based on that data. Step challenges with friends and badges are fun and motivate me to move a little more after my work day ends.

    My only real issue is that the app for my android phone wont sync with my tracker so I have to wait until I am home on my laptop to sync it. Sort of unfair to my challenge friends since they don't get real time info on my step count so I tend to blow them away at 4 in the afternoon when they don't have a lot of time left to catch up. I typically hit 10k steps by noon on a work day...
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I have a fitbit one and I definitely consider it a good investment. It encourages me to walk more and my fitbit friends help challenge me too. It brings out my competitive nature.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    edited May 2015
    I got my One in Nov 2013. Its battery went bad a few months later (beware buying off eBay, Fitbit won't warranty it) and I was crazy until I replaced it. I was without a Fitbit again for 10 days in early January this year, after I washed my One. It really bothered me to be without it.

    I guess what I'm saying is that getting feedback regarding one's actual activity level can be addictive. But, I think in my case it is a good addiction. Without it, I'd probably have lost less weight, be less fit and maybe have given up on this whole weight loss/fitness thing.