Steps from UP app do not appear in MFP?!

sasharfitness Posts: 12 Member
I just got a Jawbone UP fitness tracker for Mother's Day and have synced both apps correctly but my steps from the UP app do not appear in MFP but everything I do in MFP appears in my UP app?! HELP please!


  • jennmac415
    jennmac415 Posts: 52 Member
    My steps stopped showing up on MFP yesterday.... None have showed up today at all.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    There are troubleshooting instructions at the link I posted above, and contact info to let MFP know you're having problems.
  • lara_maccrimmon
    lara_maccrimmon Posts: 46 Member
    Mine did the same until I went to bed. Woke up this morning & all my exercise calories appeared for yesterday. It's a good way to avoid eating them back! It hasn't been given me negative adjustments beforehand, so hoping that it is a syncing issue & will be sorted soon.
  • t_h_e_d_a_v_i_d
    t_h_e_d_a_v_i_d Posts: 4 Member
    I just got a Jawbone UP fitness tracker for Mother's Day and have synced both apps correctly but my steps from the UP app do not appear in MFP but everything I do in MFP appears in my UP app?! HELP please!

    Almost every time either UP or MFP have an update there seems to be an issue. On rare occasion the update IS to address the lag or delay in your steps syncing with MFP. When that is the case the two work great together. I have my settings in MFP set for positive and negative calorie adjustment based on my step activity. It's a great feature to see the additional calories you may eat or if you sat on the couch all day the calories that you lost for the day.

    Having said all that, it isn't very handy if you don't see your steps and calorie adjust until the next day. Very frustrating. This scenario of steps syncing and not syncing has been on and off for the last year.

  • jennmac415
    jennmac415 Posts: 52 Member
    I've done all the I syncing and resyncing I'm gonna steps are still not showing up. I get so frustrated when things are working fine and they feel the need to "update" and then things don't work at all.
  • jennmac415
    jennmac415 Posts: 52 Member
    Now exactly HALF of my steps are showing up. This is making me mad!
  • iwanabskiny
    iwanabskiny Posts: 1 Member
    Same problem here, unfortunately. I have followed the instructions in the above mentioned link and still no help. The last time my UP synced was on the 12th and now its the 15th. I disconnected the UP from MFP and vice versa, waited overnight, synced both apps and then reconnected and still nothing except now It shows my UP on my Home page in MFP but with a different step goal as I have set, plus, the actual steps for today still haven't synced. I have written an email to support and hope to hear something. When I do, will surely post here.

    p.s. I live in Germany so I am hours ahead of most of you and already well into my Friday
  • lara_maccrimmon
    lara_maccrimmon Posts: 46 Member
    I did the same. I now have my step goal (although it took a while to change from the default 10000), but now no steps or exercise synced for yesterday, at all. My MFP app keeps trying to update, but it keeps saying it fails as well.
  • jennmac415
    jennmac415 Posts: 52 Member
    Still nothing showing up today. I have uninstalled MFP, reinstalled, unconnected both MFP and UP and reconnected, unsynced, resynced.... I'm getting tired of this.
  • jennmac415
    jennmac415 Posts: 52 Member
    I've also sent an email and got a response that said they are having a Large number of emails right now, so it my be AWHILE. I call BS... Of course they are.... IT'S NOT WORKING!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I know it's frustrating, but there are workarounds. For example, find a similar day in your diary and assume today's adjustment will be similar.

    Your UP total burn is TDEE (aka your maintenance calories). If you eat TDEE for a few days, you'll be fine. If that scares you, eat TDEE minus your deficit (250 calories for every 25 lbs. you're overweight).
  • jennmac415
    jennmac415 Posts: 52 Member
    The point is the app should be doing what it's supposed to do. If I wanted to figure a bunch of stuff I wouldn't need the app. :)
  • jennmac415
    jennmac415 Posts: 52 Member
    Maybe they aren't fixing this problem so we will all up grade to premium... Well I'm not paying for this.
  • moongreen2011
    moongreen2011 Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2015
    doesn't look like the smartest way to get people to premium by screwing up the data transfer. Same problem here: no steps from UP show up in MFP and for a while no food in UP app. As if they have killed the API.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    doesn't look like the smartest way to get people to premium by screwing up the data transfer. Same problem here: no steps from UP show up in MFP and for a while no food in UP app. As if they have killed the API.

    ^This. It's a bug. They didn't do it on purpose—they messed up. And the problem is affecting all activity trackers, so a lot of people are very unhappy.

    Some are quitting MFP altogether and logging food in their tracker.
  • enochboateng
    enochboateng Posts: 1 Member
    Yeah I suspect the update under armour placed in play after acquisition is at fault here. That is why I first noticed the sync degradation. Seems a failure in their QA department. I know things are free but would never release incomplete or untested patches. Shame shame MFP, JB.
  • SpinSpinSugar69
    SpinSpinSugar69 Posts: 34 Member
    I tried to follow the steps to fix it and I can't even disconnect Jawboneup,I keep ending on up the main page for Jawbone products. I guess it will get fixed soon. :neutral:
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    May 12, 2015 11:43am PST - We have finished ironing out most of the wrinkles regarding the back end clean up. If you are still having issues with steps, first please ensure you have chosen the correct Primary Step Source from the Steps category within the MyFitnessPal app menu.

    If you are still having trouble, please unlink and relink the two programs to start with a fresh sync. If you are still seeing issues, please contact us here:

    There's also a known bug where you can't connect or disconnect via the MFP app. Go to the Apps tab on the website.
  • jolane529
    jolane529 Posts: 1 Member
    This is highly frustrating and has been going on for a week. I understand that this is affecting large numbers of Jawbone and MFP users but what is the resolution as this started from their own update.