Today my FitBit syncs, but MFP not syncing with FitBit steps?

LisaMighton Posts: 51 Member
I searched through the 'sync' topics in the FAQ but couldn't find an answer to this...
I'm still fairly new to both FitBit and MFP. The past few days they've been syncing fine.
Today though, I was around 200 calories over my limit, so I got my butt out the door for a long walk. Came back, and I want my sync to work because I'm now under my calories for the day... but MFP still says the same reading from before I went on my walk.
Is there something I can do to make MFP sync? A button I can push or something?
Not sure why it's not working...


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    There are plenty of threads about the problems MFP's had all week with steps—including problems syncing with Fitbit.

    There's no button, but you can try disconnecting then reconnecting your accounts.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    No, there's no button to push, unfortunately.

    The first thing I'd do is make sure your Fitbit has synced up with it's service. If you've got a nice long walk on your Fitbit, but the data hasn't been transferred through your computer or phone to Fitbit's server, then there's no way for MFP to get it.

    If that's been done then the next thing to do is check to see when MFP last received data from Fitbit. You can do that from the MFP exercise tab on your browser. Click on the little "i" next to your Fitbit calorie adjustment. It shows the time of the last sync and the math used to calculate the adjustment. You can also get the same info from your phone app, but how to access it will vary by which phone you have.

    If the sync is isn't current enough, then the usually recommended way to resolve it is with a disconnect/reconnect. This is a multi-step process. 1) From the MFP side, disconnect MFP from Fitbit; 2) From the Fitbit side, revoke MFP's access; 3) Wait - at least 15 minutes; 4) From the MFP side, reconnect Fitbit.

    Sometimes people find that uninstalling and reinstalling the apps on their phones is helpful. I've never had to go that far.

    MFP occasionally has periods when syncing problems are widespread. That was the case this last week and it may still be somewhat ongoing. When it was really bad a couple of months ago, they asked people to stop doing the disconnect/reconnect because it was creating a huge backlog and making things worse.

    Some people seem to have chronic syncing issues, even when it isn't widespread. I wonder if there is a pattern of who has problems vs. who doesn't in terms of how they use the services. For instance, I rarely have problems. I mostly access both Fitbit and MFP on my computer, but also use my phone, which is an Android. Whenever I have had issues, I have never tried to resolve them using just my phone. I go to the computer and use the web browser.