Looking for Fellow Newbies

AmyK2003 Posts: 16 Member
Hello all. I'm a 27 year old Texas woman who is new to this running stuff. I have found that I love it. My main problem is that I lack the continued motivation. I am going to be training for my first half marathon soon (Dallas in December) and my first full marathon (OKC next April.) Was hoping to find some new friends to keep me motivated and possibly even some people who will be running these races as well.


  • Hi. :) I'm a 27 year-old newbie in Virginia. I've done a bunch of 5ks and I'm doing my first 10k in October... Hoping to do a 10 miler at the beginning of the new year and then a half next spring.

    Something you might be interested in - there are several groups here for monthly running challenges. I'm in this one, trying to hit 50 miles this month:
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I am a 38 year old who is returning to running after a decade long hiatus. I am doing a 5K in July and one in September. I live in Vermont. Right now I'm working through the C25K program and am really enjoying it. :)