
lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
Hi everybody !

Where have you been ?? ;)

I'm a little tired theses days, I do my best to stay on track.
I see you later today.


  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Well it's been a week since a thread has been posted. I kept watching :smile: so I'll start this morning off.

    My daughter had surgery for a tumor growing in her abdomen. It was the size of both my fists put together. She is doing well and it was benign. She is recovering at my house. So in between taking care of her, I am doing squats, lunges, push ups and anything else I can do close by that doesn't make a lot of noise. lol The scary thing was my mother in law had the same thing but when they went to remove it, it was attached to a main artery. So they just closed her up and sent her home (to die slowly). She died 1 year later because it grew so large that food couldn't pass through her intestines. She actually starved to death.

    My garden is doing really well. I wish I had more room lol. Green bean vines are climbing up the trellis, beets are up, tomatoes are growing bigger, I'm eating spinach and basil already, cumbers and cantaloupes are thriving, broccoli is doing well and the zucchini and pumpkins are really taking off. I love seeing the bees busing around. And in less than a month, I should be eating raspberries! Can't wait.

    Only 10 days til the camping trip. I need to decide what I'll be cooking for everyone.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Thought for the day:

    Will never come again.
    Be a Blessing.
    Be a Friend.
    Encourage someone.
    Take Time to Care.
    Let your Words Heal and Not Wound.


    lol - I checked to make sure I wasn't going to double post and Isabelle had. Yay! Good to see you here. Hope you get feeling better.

  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    I'm happy to see your dauther is fine Alisa. I hope she recovers well!

    I'm proud I just kicked myself in the butt and just finished a 30 of strength.

    Random thoughts...
    I find it hard sometimes to draw the line between laziness and "listening to my body". I know I need to rest sometimes but I'm so attached to my goals and to improving that sometimes I feel "meh" when I take time off. Maybe because I am scared to fall back in olds habits. It's like I would like certainties: "Ok, now you're being lazy, get up !" or "Now, it's ok to take time off". Not sure if I'm clear here, lol.

    Do you have ways to know when to take it easy ?
    What about TOM ? I usually feel like I have less energy but still I try to keep going the best I can.

    Any opinions ?

  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    Isabelle - it is a fine line. If it's just me being lazy and I push myself to "get up and do it" , I am fine after just a few minutes and I am glad I did. If my body really does need a rest, I am not fine and drag on until I stop. Maybe that's one way to evaluate. Or if I need a rest, my body doesn't run as fast or hike as fast. Only you can figure it out. Sometimes the body just need more fuel and then responds better.

    As for the TOM, that never has made a difference to me.

  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    edited May 2015
    I agree that it's a great indicator to start and see how I'm doing.

    Well, that's what I did today, I wasn't sure if I should rest or push and I ended up doing pretty well so, I will keep that in mind, it's great advice.

    I'm happy with my day.
    35 minutes strength
    20 Minutes cycling
    35 Minutes running (5km)

    I really feel like I have come so far from where I was before, yet, I still have so much to learn. Luckily, I tend to enjoy never ending processes.

    Good night everybody :)