I cannot give up on me

shewil1 Posts: 4 Member
This will be my 4th time trying to even start the program. I do well in the first week and than I get busy at work and miss a meal and than overeat at night. Add travelling to that and I keep sabotaging myself. I have to figure out how to do this and stay committed to myself.


  • Whosebeeping
    Whosebeeping Posts: 99 Member
    It requires a lot of planning ahead and putting yourself first. Even tho I am home if I don't plan to grab food for errands I put myself in a bind. You can do this. If I can anybody can!!
  • 1Ginabb
    1Ginabb Posts: 77 Member
    I totally agree Whosebeeping. I plan out tomorrow's meals, packing snacks and choosing my breakfast and lunch the night before. Laying everything out, especially the snacks (2 powerfuels and a smartcarb) help keep you from cheating. BTW, I just bought some Morning Star grillers. I love the taste, but I fear they may cause me to stall on weight loss. They seem sort of greasy. I took a paper towel and got the excess off, but I am still concerned. I was counting these as a Powerfuel. Anyone else eat these?
  • lynn41567
    lynn41567 Posts: 1 Member
    Shewil1 - I am the exact same way and am just so frustrated with myself. This is my millionth time re-starting and I don't know why I don't sustain it consistently!!! Let's stay in touch and try to keep each other on track! All the best, Lynn
  • mikemusky44
    mikemusky44 Posts: 218 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've fallen off the wagon a few times over the past 3 months but have always compensated afterwards (and sometimes before when I knew I would be eating off program). The trick in my opinion is not to make it a habit. A few other things you might want to consider:

    When you place your order, get more breakfast and lunch bars. You can always make time to eat a bar even if you are busy at work. This will also work when traveling. Try to keep your meal times as consistent as possible.

    If you are not working out - start. I personally find it hard to go off program when I know how hard I am working out. And if I do, I am fit enough that I can put in a little extra work that will burn off those calories. Plus, you have the added benefit building muscle that will speed your metabolism.

    Don't let a bad day affect you. This is a long-term lifestyle change. Once you get to your ideal weight, you'll probably have off days but will bounce back quickly because of everything you learned and because it will be an exception and not the rule. If you have a bad day along your journey, just consider it practice for when you eventually get in the maintenance phase. Don't beat yourself up and definitely don't stress yourself out.

    Don't let the scale be your only measure of success. Losing inches and getting healthy are just as important. If you stick with it, the results on the scale will come.

    Drink a ton of water - especially when you have cravings.

    Log everything you eat.

    Reach out to some of the great people in this group. We are all in this together.

    I hope this helps and am looking forward to watching your success!

    - Michael
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    1Ginabb wrote: »
    I totally agree Whosebeeping. I plan out tomorrow's meals, packing snacks and choosing my breakfast and lunch the night before. Laying everything out, especially the snacks (2 powerfuels and a smartcarb) help keep you from cheating. BTW, I just bought some Morning Star grillers. I love the taste, but I fear they may cause me to stall on weight loss. They seem sort of greasy. I took a paper towel and got the excess off, but I am still concerned. I was counting these as a Powerfuel. Anyone else eat these?
    I eat the Mornings Star veggie burgers such as Mushroom Lover's, Spicy Black Bean, Garden Veggie, and other similar ones, all 80-120 calories. I never noticed they were greasy, but if they are, its not from meat! :smiley: Are all the Morning Star things meatless?

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Excellent post, Mike.

    Thank you. :)
  • shewil1
    shewil1 Posts: 4 Member
    Mike, thanks for taking the time to provide me with so much great advice and encouragement and to others as well. This will be a journey and I can tell that I can reach out when I am struggling. Thanks to all for that :)