I'm so glad I found this group

lgies2758 Posts: 19 Member
Hi everyone, I'm Lynn. I finally said to myself "Enough". I'm tired of not being able to walk or move. I'm only 57 but I'm like an old woman. I've got 100 lbs to lose but this time I'm giving God my food and taking it one day at a time.


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    You sound exactly like me about 6 months ago. I had about 63 pounds to lose. Welcome to the group and to the journey.
  • dottieketostrong
    dottieketostrong Posts: 102 Member
    It's really like one minute at a time! I used to be a compulsive over eater. Just thinking about not eating made me want to eat. I actually had to have prayer at church for deliverance. That was almost 20 years ago. I still have to be careful. I can get out of control if I let my emotions start controlling me. We always have a choice to be obedient to the leading of the Lord, or not. I remember one time, after I felt I had conquered my sugar addiction, I was standing at the cabinet looking at the Little Debbie cakes for my kids' lunches. I said, "Lord, I have done so well. Can't I have just one?" I reached for it, and I heard him say "NO!" I stood there a moment, and then I realized I was going to open the door back up to something He had helped me close. As the years have gone on and I have gotten used to not bingeng on sugar, I can enjoy a piece of cake or a cookie now and then. But it took a long time.
  • lgies2758
    lgies2758 Posts: 19 Member
    Good to hear from you ladies. I'm still finding my way around here. :) how do the rest of you handle the spiritual side of overeating?
  • dottieketostrong
    dottieketostrong Posts: 102 Member
    lgies2758 wrote: »
    Good to hear from you ladies. I'm still finding my way around here. :) how do the rest of you handle the spiritual side of overeating?
    Well, I think overeating is an attempt to comfort ourselves in some way. If the Holy Spirit is The Comforter, then we are only going to find false comfort in food. That helps me. When I feel like eating something I know I shouldn't, or eating more than I should, I try to stop and myself, "why do you want to eat this?" Also, one of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. The Lord is not going to snatch it out of our hands, but we know...we know when we are not using self control.
    God is full of mercy and grace. He knows how hard it is to be human. He knows our weaknesses. But He says when we are weak, He is strong. So, when we feel weak when it comes to food, we can cry out to Him for strength. But then there are times I don't care. I just want to eat. Just being honest.

  • lgies2758
    lgies2758 Posts: 19 Member
    lgies2758 wrote: »
    Good to hear from you ladies. I'm still finding my way around here. :) how do the rest of you handle the spiritual side of overeating?
    Well, I think overeating is an attempt to comfort ourselves in some way. If the Holy Spirit is The Comforter, then we are only going to find false comfort in food. That helps me. When I feel like eating something I know I shouldn't, or eating more than I should, I try to stop and myself, "why do you want to eat this?" Also, one of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. The Lord is not going to snatch it out of our hands, but we know...we know when we are not using self control.
    God is full of mercy and grace. He knows how hard it is to be human. He knows our weaknesses. But He says when we are weak, He is strong. So, when we feel weak when it comes to food, we can cry out to Him for strength. But then there are times I don't care. I just want to eat. Just being honest.

    I appreciate your honesty. I call that my inner brat. When I don't care and choose to just do what I want to do and worry about the consequences later. It's how I got into this battle with food.