Woman 59 yo, 5'6" looking to loose 50#s

Terri_Wickwire Posts: 149 Member
Hi! I've been in and out active on MFP for quite awhile now, but have quit dipping my toes and jumped into the pool! Recently returned from a trip to Yosemite National Park and had an eye-opening wake up call. Had a heck of turmoiled last 9 months: Daughter graduated high school & moved out; hubby & I moved from our home of 16+ years to an entire new county/community. Nine days after the move I went to my Mom's to keep my two brothers "in their respective corners" and protect my Mom -- two months later she was gone from lung cancer; I was extremely blessed to be with her during those two months, but missed my hubby tremendously. High stress on all fronts created weight gain and more lack of mobility than I've ever experienced from a back injury over 30 years ago. Would <3<3<3 to find a woman buddy to keep accountability and positive connection in the journey to health. :)


  • showmewoman
    showmewoman Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Terti, sorry for all you have been through. You were fortunate to have that time with your mom. I am 58 5'4" and definitely need to lose 50#. The only thing is I am not consistent with anything, lol. I don't know if I will be able find the time to work on losing the weight and spend a lot of time on mfp. But I will try and I wanted to say hi!