Chat and Accountability May 17 - May 23

Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
edited May 2015 in Social Groups
Happy Sunday Folks! Hope all is well with all of you. Stomach is better gonna hit the free weights in a bit, followed with a HIIT session on the Bike. So moving to a Train / Maintain program I've been working on now is the time to test/ implement. The basic idea is for advance age athletes, you still train and try to improve in one area say Deadlifts, and Maintain in one that is riskier like Squats. I heard this mentioned on a PODCast recently but am taking it to other lifts as well like Bench press / Ovhd press. See how things feel today. Haven't lifted heavy for a few weeks so easy does it today won't be pushing any performance envelopes.

Also been reading on Chi Walking and Man Flow Yoga. Great stuff.


  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Good morning everybody. John, glad to hear your stomach bug has gone (or at least you feel better).
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    I posted this in John's Whole30 FB group but wanted to post it here too.

    I'm taking a week off of Whole30 but will be starting back next Monday. I wanted to ask those who are doing it what kind of snacks do you keep handy. I'm trying to find some things, other than nuts, that I can keep at my desk at work or in the car when traveling.
  • babygirl59601
    babygirl59601 Posts: 74 Member
    Mark and I had a great weekend. Went clothes shopping and we found I am down 4 sizes in jeans since November and 2-3 sizes in everything else!

    Snowed at the house most of the day. Sure was pretty and a good day for Mark and I to stay indoors.

    As requested am posting a before picture of me and one of today!
  • babygirl59601
    babygirl59601 Posts: 74 Member
  • babygirl59601
    babygirl59601 Posts: 74 Member

    Me 6+ months ago
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Yay, John... so glad you're back in the swing of things. we need you healthy for Vegas!! :)

    Wow Kelley - you can really see a difference. Both are very pretty. But you can see the difference so much in your face and arms. I know you are thrilled. That is inspiring!! Thanks for posting!! LOVE it.

    Jen: My fave is an apple and a packet of almond butter. That can live in my purse or car for many days. But I always have cut up veggies on hand. I'm a snacker. So that is good to have in the fridge at work. Also hard boiled eggs. Now I like beef jerky that doesn't have sugar but I really try to stick with snacking veggies as much as possible so the calories don't rack up. mini bell peppers/cherry tomatoes/celery/sugar snap peas/baby carrots are my go-to snacks with some guac or nothing.

    Great that you're going to get back on it! I have started over many times. I don't feel a bit bad about it. I am kinda going to just BE Whole 30 day (#) forever I think. Whenever something is worth it, I'll start over. :)

    Keep up the awesomeness.

    Oh! And I posted late in last week's thread. sorry!!
  • babygirl59601
    babygirl59601 Posts: 74 Member
    This is more accurate. From 2012. I am the one in the blue with my parents. My mom has shrunk down as well!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    edited May 2015
    Morning everybody. It's Monday and I've been up since 8:00 yesterday morning (well, I did get maybe an hour of sleep last night). So it's going to be a looooooooooooooooooong day.

    Kelley, thanks for sharing pictures with us. Looking fab and that is so awesome that you're down so many pants sizes. Rock on!!!!!

    Carol, thanks for the snack ideas. I'll probably be on a 'forever' Whole30 too. :) Also, thanks for the videos.

    Hope everybody has a great day. :tired_face::sleepy:
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    edited May 2015

    This one is for Kim Walls – this gal is prohibiting me from getting quality sleep! Yes, this is my bed...

    Jen: do you want me to send her over to help you out? Seriously, I hope you get better rest tonight.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Monday Folks! HRV is a Green Flag 69 today, so will hit the bricks in a min. Then have to work on a speech I'm writing for a Friend of mine for Memorial Day before I head off to work.

    Kelly - Great Pics, You are doing great work there kiddo.

    Carol - The Challenges appear to have gotten you to the point of it being a Whole Carol. Which is the point. You find things that work and incorporate them everyday. Once in a while have a treat, enjoy the day or even the moment and roll back in on target on the next pass. The challenges help you find your trail up wellness ridge.

    Jen hope the day goes ok for ya, missing sleep is not a good thing.

    Work Hard HAve Fun but above all B Koo-EL!

  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Awesome Kelly! Keep it up. Before pictures are powerful!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Carol, Thanks for the comment on the pups. but I was thinking the same about your life. I don't know how you can manage work, kids, school, podcasts, health and just daily stresses that comes with your busy life. whew. The pups are a walk in the park. ;) But we all have different limitations and what we perceive as "work". And I am so glad that you've found something that works for you; "Whole Carol"

    Kelly, wow! Before and after pictures are so powerful. Its also proof that the numbers on the scale are just numbers. Its all about how you look and feel. Here's to more smaller clothes shopping trips.

    Jen, Gotta sleep. Take melatonin or hemp seed oil.

    Had my consult yesterday and I'm so glad that I picked Christin. Not that I have anything to compare with but her approach is great. So here are what I learned:

    Sleep is crucial, and its important that I go to sleep around the same time and wake up around the same time everyday. No oversleeping as well. The sleep had to do with cortisol, and if sleep is not dialed, I might not see results on fat loss. Chinese has a saying "the more you sleep the lazier you get, the more you eat the greedier you get" (it rhymes in Mandarin) From what I know now that little saying has scientific reasons lol. Which made me think about another thing I was taught growing up about fruit. That you always eat it after a meal and never too much and seasonal fruits that are super sweet and rich were eaten at night as a sweet treat before bed, and I was always told not to eat too much as it will disrupt my chi. Thinking back there were probably a lot of eating lessons that was meant to help the body to be in balance.

    Eating schedule: not good that I'm always eating eating at different times. That has to do with circadian rhythm.

    Protein/meal times: LOL I'm eating too much. I kinda knew it...My meals are also too big because of the protein and I don't even think I eat "that much" protein. The protein is triggering an insulin response similar to carbs. She talked about how most people overeat protein and overestimate their exercise level which I completely agree, I've been having that thought for a long time.

    Carb nite: I've been doing it wrong lol.

    So my new macros and this is for me to see fat loss results in a "timely fashion" lol And this is based on 173Lb with 27% body fat. and this is the macros for my activity level as well; I walk anywhere from 1-3 hours a day and am not sedentary. I garden and do a lot of stuff that requires me to be on my feet. most of the week.
    1550-1650K (try not to hit the high end) Protein : 55-65g Fat: 135-150g Carbs 10-20 net :'(
    I am starting the induction on Tuesday or Wednesday and I am looking forward to seeing how I will feel and of course the results.

    We both agree that this is a great time to concentrate on fat loss since I am still healing from the knee injury. And id and when I am ready to go back to Muay Thai we'll adjust the macros. But right now for the purpose of fat loss this is my nutrition plan.
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Okay, confession time!

    I had a pretty rough weekend, food-wise. I was busy helping my step dad reroute their sewer, and I was sort of stuck with whatever my mom had cooked, so I had spaghetti (with pasta). That started a downward spiral! Last night, I had chocolate chip pancakes for dinner, and I'll just leave it at that...

    On the plus side, I weighed myself, to get a clue of how I'm doing, and even with the weekend doo-doo-food fest, I'm still down about 5 pounds for the month!
  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    I am exploring Carb Nite... haven't bought the book yet... but I have some stubborn lbs. and struggling to get my body fat % down since my last baby... who is doing it? How is it going? I have been binge listening to Kiefer podcasts...
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    TJ, hey it's a slip up. What's most important is that you own up and is back on track. Isn't processed carbs crazy? It's like crack once you have some you want more. And hooray for your weight loss! Keep doing the "whole TJ"

    Sbuzzard I've just re started carb nite.

    Here's the "puppy" with the bad leg that we are fostering. He is 4 months old and already 35lb. He'll be a big dog. We've named him Taiki; great radiance in Japanese.
  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    Soooo...while I am waiting on the book, I've been binging on the Kiefer podcasts... am I getting the basics of Carb Nite right?
    1. Eat ultra low carb, lots of healthy fats, moderate protein.
    2. Exercise...within 12 hours of going to sleep, if morning workouts...5pm is the optimum window.
    3. Carb Nite is a 4 hour period,every 7-10 days preferably close to bedtime...

    What other "musts" are there? Am I completely screwing this up?
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks, Heron! I've recently just started thinking of it like Carol. Whole Whatever-day-I-Make-It-to, and restart immediately after a slip or treat. But, for the time being (and probably at least another 20lbs) I'd like to keep the slip/treats spread out as much as possible. I would really like to say I did it for another 30 days, though!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Good morning everybody. I slept last night!!!!!! :smile:

    Carol, don't tell Kim I didn't sleep Sunday night. She'll yell at me and go on her 'sleep is important' rant (love ya Kim!). :tongue:

    Heron, Taiki is beautiful.

    TJ, I'm with ya. I've got to get through my Arizona trip and then I'll be back on my Whole'xx' journey.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited May 2015
    Jen, I saw the FB thread about your sleep almost jumped in but didn't want to sound like a nag. However...did your read Herons comments from her BodyIO coach...that you won't have try fat loss without adequate sleep? It is the #1 contributor to health and fat loss.

    That said, I'll get on my other soapbox. Meditate. You need to learn to shut off your mind. I did notice one guy told you to do the contract and relax technique. There are great guided meditations that bring you through a full body contract/relax to put you to sleep. I never make it all the way through. But the real fixer is that 10 minutes a day learning to calm your mind and follow your breath. Gaining that habit will help you shut it down in the middle of the night too.

    Heron, so glad you're with Christin. I think it's a perfect match. Did you tell her you prefer less protein? Or does she just lean to a more typical Keto set of macros? AJ has been on a women don't eat enough protein kick lately. As has Coach Tony. Kiefers range is .5-1.3. So was surprised to see your macros under .5gr/lb bodyweight. But I also knew you and Arturo prefer to eat less protein.

    Sbuzzard24 (if I've missed your real name, sorry. I'm Kim) - both Heron and I do Carb Nite. I love the program. Love! I'm getting slow but consistent body composition and scale changes. It is not a quick weight loss scheme - tho some do lose fast. Rather a long term, heal your body approach. I feel great on the plan. My suggestion is to not worry about macros at first. Just follow the 10 day reorientation of less than 30 net carbs. Then enjoy a CarbNite, eat as many fun carbs as you comfortably can in the 6-8 hours before bed. Repeat once per week. For four weeks and then assess your progress. If losing based on pictures, girth measurements (chest, waist, hips) and/or scale continue as is. If not Heron and my case we both ate too much. I now eat a 1:1 ratio of fat:protein trying for 125gr each on average per day. Which is around 1750 cal day. My carb Nites are fairly moderate 200-250 total carbs, same protein slightly reduced fat. The plan works when you find your sweet spot. But first just eat within the general guidelines. And don't constantly change it or stress over the perfect macros.

    Oh and consider only weighing the morning before your CarbNite. You will have 2-8 lbs of scale weight gain the morning AFTER CN. It is water. Which reminds me. Drink a ton of water on CarbNite. Include a pinch of sea salt in one of the glasses. The carbs need water to process. And the sea salt helps with electrolytes. All of which helps prevent leg cramps.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Tuesday Folks!

    TJ Keep after it lad you're doing great!

    Heron Taiki is one lucky dog. Good O on getting a good coach. From the macros you've given us looks like a good plan. Keep us up to date on how its all going.

    Sbuzzard - I'm not a CNS follower but from what I know it looks like you've got the essentials.

    Jen Good o on the sleep now keep it consistent.

    HRV is a big Green Flag again with a 10 so time to go train. Work Hard, Fave Fun! but above All - B Koo-EL!