I asked my partner to...

Hi all! I recently asked my girlfriend to help me lose weight by asking me about temptation before I jump headfirst into it. Eating out is something we usually do on our two days a week together and those are her "cheat days." I, on the other hand, cheat on other days of the week, or not at all to avoid extreme binges (which have been a problem for me in the past). Whenever we go out, I ask her to ask me if I've logged what I'm eating, or if I'm going to log it (into MFP). This helps me stop and make wiser choices about the content and portions I eat.

What do your partners or SOs do to help you in the weight loss process?


  • lillith1991
    My gf helps by telling me she likes me as I am. This may seem strange to others but it works for me. Knowing my body is attractive to her at both my current weight and my goal weight helps me feel beautiful. I already feel it but knowing the person I'm with thinks it helps reenfornce what I already know.
  • MsMarlaMae
    MsMarlaMae Posts: 144 Member
    As we have both lost a lot of weight (me 80 her 60) we help each other a lot of ways.

    Not only do we help keep each other on track (Hey, didn't we have bacon with breakfast, how about X for lunch to even out the counts today). But we also remind each other that we know how to get back on track when we've had a bad day. No quitting cause one day is bad, we know it's the long haul that matters.

    Also helps that we know we loves each other completely and utterly.
  • lillith1991
    Also helps that we know we loves each other completely and utterly.

    This! This helps alot. Knowing that your partner loves you so completely.
  • LeesaMarie63
    My partner changed her eating habits along with me although she doesn't have a weight problem..she is cooking healthier, and has pushed us to take longer walks. The main thing would be she notices and comments on how good I'm looking lately...it's been 11 years for us so the honeymoon stage has been over for awhile...looks like its starting to come back. Life is good!!!
  • FunnyBunnyHunny
    FunnyBunnyHunny Posts: 102 Member
    My other half just agreed to start C25K with me. I am extremely excited! I asked her tonight expecting her to say 'no', and to my surprise she brought up the Color Run and was enthusiastic!
  • rosiesmama
    rosiesmama Posts: 69 Member
    When I look like I'm about to get lost in a bag of chips, box of crackers or whatever, my best beloved will say (very lovingly), "would you like me to put that away for you?" I almost always say, "yes, please." I know that this wouldn't work for some people in some contexts, but there's no judgement attached and I really appreciate her helping me with my awareness of what I'm doing. I know I can also respond, "no thanks," and that's ok, too.
  • JuneBabyJeannine
    JuneBabyJeannine Posts: 15 Member
    Such lovely ideas! My best half is very supportive of whatever I do - but I need to get better at asking for help in the moment.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    very supportive, the way it should be
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Mine encourages me and reminds me to love myself and my body, no matter the weight. And that it's just about being good to myself.

    Plus, we're joining the gym together and have bought new cookbooks, etc to be healthy. And almost every Saturday we have a date at the Farmer's Market!
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    Number 1. You're all adorable. Like damn

    Number 2. My Gf helps me out by just saying that I look good, she's happy with my body, etc. I'll tell her when i'm feeling to binge or something and she knows if dont eat SOMETHING i'll be hangry (hungry angry) so she'll figure out a small snack for me as well. Sometimes she's terrible and is like LET'S EAT ALL THE BAD FOOD. Problem is i'm totally down and like wawa sounds great right now.........and 600 calories later i'm sad but oh well.

    She's very good and tells me she loves and such. She works out with me too and helps me a lot and knows fitness is very important to me. Love her so freaking much. We're on 2 years and still strong. Whoo!
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    my partner and i only see each other once a month for a weekend, sometimes even less often, but when we are together we plan out our dining out or cooking in meals ahead of time. we are both susceptible to overeating and feeling like crap afterward, so this keeps us communicating and on track. we usually make plans for a special treat, like vegan ice cream or a frozen coffee drink but we try to keep each other in line.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    My wife and I are both on here every day :) We plan our weekly menus together, shop together most weeks, take turns cooking, and work out together almost every day. I think we also help keep each other in check when it comes to overindulgence/snacking - though we also like to PLAN for overindulgences sometimes too (especially if it involves sushi, lol). It's pretty awesome, actually :heart: I'm lucky to have her full support :)
  • Saratini76
    Saratini76 Posts: 115 Member
    I asked my SO to keep me honest with our food logging. She tries to be very precise, where I get obsessive sometimes and will waaaay overestimate. She is so wonderful and gentle when she sees I am damaging myself and will gently correct me on my overestimating. I think the fact we are both on here, and both trying for the same goal, helps a ton!
  • mustapekka
    mustapekka Posts: 59
    Me and my girlfriend have opposite problems - I'm trying to lose weight and she's trying to gain it! (Makes shopping a bit difficult;))

    But now, since I made my decision to really slim down and get fit, she's been super nice and supportive. We no longer have sweets or cookies or ice cream in the house. That's all been substituted for fruits and veggies.

    When we eat dinner we usually eat the same food. I just eat smaller portions and more sallad :)

    Nice to hear that all of your SO's are so supportive! Good luck to all of you! :)
  • sweetTN
    sweetTN Posts: 13
    My partner has been getting up early and taking her shower so she can be available if the kids wake up early and I can get a run in before she leaves for work. She also bought me a new pair of running shoes and some running clothes. She is very cute, as she stands on our porch when I'm due back from my run so she can see me running up, and she tells how sexy I look all sweaty and glowing from my run. She is very athletic and loves it when I am active. On nights when she makes dinner while I am getting ready for work, she always makes up my plate sans the carbs and gives me an extra heap of veggies. It's helpful for me to have my plate served for me, especially when I am in a rush. She also reminds me frequently that she thinks I am pretty and sexy just the way I am.
  • onemoc
    onemoc Posts: 35 Member
    My SO encourages me to be active, smoke less and eat better. He encourages me to do it for me, partly cause he grew tired of my whining and also because he wants me to be happy. Another part was the health complications from my family, diabetes and cancer. We go for bike rides together, used to try and do p90x together. He also reminds me to take my bipolar medication (it's a family tradition on both sides.) and watch my sugar intake. I've asked my partner to handle my finances and cards when I suspect I'm manic. I've also asked him to remind me to eat as I forget to eat and panick about it then eat rubbish. Hopefully one day soon, I am doing that without having to be reminded so we can focus on just being couple and supporting each other. We've been through dark times where I was the giver, but now I need help in things he is more knowledgeable about.
  • dtoms10
    dtoms10 Posts: 6 Member
    My girlfriend has a habit of cooking enough for an army, and doesn't really have to worry about what she eats so it was a pretty big struggle for her when I wanted to lose the 50+ pounds I've gained since we've been together but she's been super good at asking me if I think what I'm about to eat is what I should be eating and we've been getting food that we can cook together, but turn into a healthy meal for me, and a decent meal for her.

    Also--I get grumpy when I'm hungry so she reminds me to go to the gym and burn off some steam when I get home from work instead of snacking until dinner time.