Wondering how many Michigan MFPers are struggling with PCOS-looking for encouraging friends!

LBGyrl Posts: 13 Member
I love to get encouragement from everyone but especially exchanging encouragement with other PCOS suffers. It is difficult to deal with PCOS on a daily basis and, in my opinion, most things (such as certain tv programs) put PCOS suffers in a bad light. I can't believe how many hateful comments I have gotten online, even through MFP, to the point that I have had to create a new page. I am really looking for people who can encourage me and who I can encourage. I guess what I am say is I will take encouragement anywhere I can get it, but if you have PCOS, you probably could understand me better. ~L.B.Gyrl


  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    I have PCOS, feel free to add me. I am almost 40, so if anyone knows and understands the struggles; I do.
  • Marysone
    Marysone Posts: 12 Member
    My doctor says I have PCOS, but no cysts, which He says happens to some women with the condition in about 10 percent of cases. I'm getting old on the young scale (24) but sure don't look it. Feel free to add me. <3
  • ContentedBeauty
    ContentedBeauty Posts: 21 Member
    I also have it and am really struggling to get the added weight off because of the insulin resistance that goes along with it. I'm 35 years old. Please feel free to add me.
  • berrieblu
    berrieblu Posts: 15 Member
    I'm a cyster too...add me!
  • brewhaha20
    brewhaha20 Posts: 6 Member
    I am in the same boat.
  • Tiffanylynn1024
    Tiffanylynn1024 Posts: 167 Member
    Never been diagnosed but I have a lot of the symptoms and reoccurring cyst