Weigh in Week 8 May 25th -31st

kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
Sorry about being late, this holiday weekend has thrown me off. Best of luck to everyone


  • LadyScorpio67
    LadyScorpio67 Posts: 247 Member
    edited May 2015
    4/7: 266.4
    4/14: 265.4
    4/21: 262.2
    4/28: 262.4
    5/6: 261.0
    5/14: 260.8
    5/19: 260.6
    5/26: 257.6

    This week: -3.0
    So far: -8.8
    To go: 11.2
  • taelor2
    taelor2 Posts: 272 Member
    Last week was a hard one. No weight loss here, but I am still pushing towards my goal though.
  • joshuapowell1989
    joshuapowell1989 Posts: 163 Member
    MFP Start: 188lb
    Challenge Start: 182lb
    Week 2: 180lb
    Week 3: 178lb
    Week 4: 176.8lb
    Week 5: 172.4lb
    Week 6: ............
    Week 7: 171.2lb
    Week 8: 168.4lb
    Total Weight Loss: 19.4lb
    Challenge Weight Loss: 13.6lb
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    I was hoping to be at 150 for this weigh in, but apparently, as I approach my goal, the weight loss is drastically slowing! Really need to start training harder! It'll be easier once school is out. Then I'll have a couple boyos wanting to go to the gym with me more.

    Can someone input my week 8 on the spreadsheet, please?
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    Challenge Start: 151
    Current: 143
    Challenge Goal: 136

    Had a really rough time of it the last few weeks! I have been so hungry. It's 1 in the afternoon and I am over my calories for the day :( I am just maintaining my loss at this point.
  • malika1976
    malika1976 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Brans34 I've updated your info on the spreadsheet.

    I lost 2.7 this week, so a total for the challenge of 23.5.

    I'm not having such a good week food wise though - we've had guests from overseas and have needed to eat 'banquets' for most meals, which are really, really hard to keep track of. Anyway, they've gone, so hopefully I'll be able to show a loss next week.
  • clairebeaven
    clairebeaven Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all,

    Not having a good week, this week +4 pounds, but determined to fix that next week, I know where I went wrong so going to stay motivated, have a great week everyone, and remember don't let the bumps in the road send you off track!!
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    edited May 2015
    Week 1 110 lbs
    Week 2 110 lbs
    Week 3 107.8 lbs
    Week 4 105.6 lbs
    Week 5 104.6 lbs
    Week 6 103.4 lbs
    Week 7 102.4 lbs
    Week 8 102.4 lbs

    Total loss -7.6 lbs

    I just maintained this week. I have been slacking in the exercise department because I am exhausted almost most evenings, the only time of the day I can exercise. It is still ok for me though, it is at least better than gaining. Besides, I am expecting TOM next week. I usually stall or gain before and/or during my TOM. I hope though that my results are better the next weeks. Good luck guys! Keep up the good work!
  • courtbrass
    courtbrass Posts: 28 Member
    SW: 208
    Week 2: 203
    Week 3: 199
    Week 4: 206
    Week 5: 199
    Week 6: 198.5
    Week 7: 202
    Week 8: 202

    Total Loss: 6 lbs
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    SW: 313.2
    April 10: 202.6
    April 17: 202
    April 24: 200
    May 1: 198.4
    May 8: 196.4
    May 15: 194.6
    May 22: 194
    May 29: 191.4
    GW: 185

    Total lbs lost: 121.8
    lbs lost for this challenge: 11.2
    lbs to go for challenge: 6.6

    UGW: 153.2
    38.2 pounds to ultimate goal! :)
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    cherirana wrote: »
    SW: 313.2
    April 10: 202.6
    April 17: 202
    April 24: 200
    May 1: 198.4
    May 8: 196.4
    May 15: 194.6
    May 22: 194
    May 29: 191.4
    GW: 185

    Total lbs lost: 121.8
    lbs lost for this challenge: 11.2
    lbs to go for challenge: 6.6

    UGW: 153.2
    38.2 pounds to ultimate goal! :)

    Ooops! I have 6.4 lbs to go for this challenge.

  • bjpryor30
    bjpryor30 Posts: 14 Member
    Week 8
    No loss or gain this week for me. Can someone update the spreadsheet for me. Not able to from my phone. Last time I checked my name was gone:(
  • lindadprice
    lindadprice Posts: 150 Member
    Week 7:171
    Week 8:173
    I had water weight and need to watch my snacking better.
  • lindadprice
    lindadprice Posts: 150 Member
    It looks like everyone had a bad week. Hopefully next week everyone will be losing again.
  • Peechiz12
    Peechiz12 Posts: 70 Member
    MFP Start Weight: 196.8
    Starting Weight for Challenge: 192.6
    Goal Weight for Challenge: 172.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    4/10: 192.6
    4/17: 192.1
    4/24: 188.7
    5/01: 188.9
    5/08: 187.2
    5/15: 185.3
    5/22: 184.9
    5/29: 183.5

    Challenge Loss: 9.1
    Total Loss: 13.3