First Ultrasound ! Early 5 weeks

mommy_hood Posts: 100 Member
First Ultrasound I was very early so I get to go back in two weeks and get another ultrasound hopefully by then we will see a heartbeat :)

according to LMP (my periods are not 28 days more like 31 to 33 ) my EDD is February 7 but by gestational sack size I am due February 10 so hopefully by next ultrasound I will have a more accurate guesstimate... I am almost certain the february 10 date is correct due to positive OPK's and the fact that I do normally ovulate later than the average cycle...

Here are the pictures !!! everything looks good so far just very early and not much to see yet !!!



So as of yesterday I was somewhere between 5 weeks 1 day and 5 weeks 4 days and I found out I was pregnant on May 31 so very super early pregnancy test....


  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    I accidentally found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks so I understand finding out early! I was lucky enough to get an ultrasound at 6 weeks and see the baby and have them measure the heartbeat! Did they do the ultrasound so early for a specific reason?
  • mommy_hood
    mommy_hood Posts: 100 Member
    no just my doctors do an ultrasound at first visit for dating purposes and I just happened to find out about our pregnancy earlier than other women.... too early for hearbeat so I will get another one on the 25th
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    What day do you think you ovulated (approx)? I have PCOS so my cycles are all messed up. If I am calculating correctly, I got pregnant on May 18th and am due 2/9, right around you. I won't have my first ultrasound for awhile though so I'm not sure. I found out I was pregnant June 3rd.
  • mommy_hood
    mommy_hood Posts: 100 Member
    Most people have a 28 day cycle and when doctors put in my last period they show this

    Last menstrual period: Fri, May 3rd ,2013
    Ovulation date: Thu, May 16th ,2013
    Conception date: Fri, May 17th ,2013
    Implantation date: Sat, May 25th ,2013
    Due date: Fri, February 7th ,2014

    but I have a 31 day cycle so I get this:

    Last menstrual period: Fri, May 3rd ,2013
    Ovulation date: Sun, May 19th ,2013
    Conception date: Mon, May 20th ,2013
    Implantation date: Tue, May 28th ,2013
    Due date: Mon, February 10th ,2014

    I believe my calculations are correct because I got a negative ovulation on May 16 but a positive ovulation on May 19th ( I usually ovulate late from what I noticed on past cycles) also my ultrasound calculation of the gestational sac is matching up with my calculations. My implatation calculation says May 28th and I got my first positive on May 31 so very very early !
    (I got negative on pregnancy tests on May 28 and May 29 which also fits my calculations because I had not implanted yet and did not have enough hcg yet , if I had implanted on May 25 I should have gotten positives sooner at least I think so )

    So its guesstimated I ovulated on May 19th and got my first positive on May 31st.

    Miranda when was your last menstrual cycle?
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    April 24th but I tend to have long, unpredictable cycles due to PCOS. I'm pretty sure I conceived on 5/18 based - and that fits right in with what you are seeing with your due date. Thanks for the info.
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    Just wanted to Congradulate everyone on there BFP, I too have Pcos and my cycles were all over the place but when I lost 40 pounds I got pregnant, I wasn't trying to get pregnant at the time I was just focused on getting healthy, I have been married for 13 years and never had a scare of pregnancy until now, I also found out really early at 3 weeks I had my first ultrasound at 4 weeks, I was going by my lmp and I thought I was almost 7 weeks but with pcos ovulaton is so unpredictable, so they only saw a gestational sac that measured me at 4 weeks, I went back in 2 weeks which put me at 6 weeks fetal age and 8weeks 5 days gestational age and they were able to find the baby, yolk sac and heartbeat, I cried tears of joy and today I am 14 weeks and 3 days with a due date of 12/9/13.....I am thrilled and can't wait to meet my baby..