Is it true sitting will win over even if we exercise?

salim_techno Posts: 5 Member
I just saw the video. One phrase that caught my attention is when it says if we sit a lot during the day, even with daily exercise, it will not even prevent us from getting the 4 major cause of death? Is it true? Omg..... How do we stand when we work in front of a computer or do our daily desk job? Should I hunch my back to my work station? I dont think my bos will make a higher desk for me. I exercise daily. I eat healthy daily... Is it enough?


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Yes, there is a growing body of evidence that prolonged, uninterrupted siting is a risk factor for quite a few negative health impacts (such as heart disease and even some cancers). And sitting is an independent risk factor, meaning it's still a risk factor even if you exercise regularly. My understanding is that the real danger lies in prolonged, uninterrupted siting...sitting down for quite awhile. We can reduce the risk by getting up out of the chair frequently. Recommendations I'm seeing are every 30 minutes, though I personally aim for no more than 20 minutes in a chair. Even at work I can stand up and stretch or walk around a bit every 20 minutes or so. I also go for a walk at lunch and then eat my lunch at my desk

    And while many of us do have office jobs that result in a lot of sitting, what we do after work is largely up to us. Sitting at a desk all day and then coming home and sitting while watching TV all night is a very bad combination, health wise.


  • salim_techno
    salim_techno Posts: 5 Member
    Today I tried standing up more and... Yay...! I burned 700 more calories on my nike fuel band. Amazing. I didnt even try hard. This challenge is