5/30 Day 100 Saturday Movin May 30!

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Let's Plan an Active Vacation

With summer almost here, many of us are thinking about our summer vacation. Nothing wrong with sitting around a pool (we love doing that!) but there are all kinds of ways to take an “active” vacation and do something we've always wanted to do and keep moving while doing it. Hiking and trekking tours, rock climbing, kayaking, sailing vacations, walking tours, culinary tours, and yoga retreats are just some of the many possibilities. Today's challenge is to spend some time researching possibilities...Google “active vacations” as a starting point. What grabs you? Even if your budget doesn't support an adventure cruise to an exotic location, there really are lots of low cost options too (How about a camping and hiking weekend?). Tell us! Whatcha got planned?

PS: It has been 100 days since I took over this group! Wow that sounds like I just stole it from the owner. Anyway thank you so much to everyone who comments and participates. You guys are the reason I keep posting and looking for new ideas to spice up the day! You all mean a lot to me even if I don't reply every time to a comment! I'm so glad to be able to do this and I'm glad that you are all alongside with me. Here's for another 100! no! YEARS!


  • Mare7272
    Mare7272 Posts: 110 Member
    Auna37 wrote: »
    Let's Plan an Active Vacation

    With summer almost here, many of us are thinking about our summer vacation. Nothing wrong with sitting around a pool (we love doing that!) but there are all kinds of ways to take an “active” vacation and do something we've always wanted to do and keep moving while doing it. Hiking and trekking tours, rock climbing, kayaking, sailing vacations, walking tours, culinary tours, and yoga retreats are just some of the many possibilities. Today's challenge is to spend some time researching possibilities...Google “active vacations” as a starting point. What grabs you? Even if your budget doesn't support an adventure cruise to an exotic location, there really are lots of low cost options too (How about a camping and hiking weekend?). Tell us! Whatcha got planned?

    PS: It has been 100 days since I took over this group! Wow that sounds like I just stole it from the owner. Anyway thank you so much to everyone who comments and participates. You guys are the reason I keep posting and looking for new ideas to spice up the day! You all mean a lot to me even if I don't reply every time to a comment! I'm so glad to be able to do this and I'm glad that you are all alongside with me. Here's for another 100! no! YEARS!

    Although I don't post my comments daily, I do look up your daily challenge and try to follow it. I find it motivating. I just don't always have the time to post everything. I'm also involved with other groups and challenges. I look forward to the next 100.
  • Mare7272
    Mare7272 Posts: 110 Member
    My vacation is already planned. My best friend and I rent a cottage for a week. Although we do sit around a lot, we also do some shopping and some walking. This year I'm going to try to walk more though.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Auna, THANK-YOU for making the Challenge-A-Day group possible. I know it takes time, planning, and commitment on your part and since it's a daily challenge you don't get any days off! I'm really glad to have "met" you and have you as my friend.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I'm going to be pursuing some ideas for active vacations today!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,020 Member
    Actually, an active vacation to NYC with my sister is one of the things that got me started on my road to fitness. We walked all over the city and had to carefully plan our eating because of high prices.

    I doubt that I'll be able to go out of town this year, but I love including fitness in my plans. I try to plan that after a long day in the car I have scoped out a gym to get in a workout or walk to the place we're eating dinner.

    Happy 100, Auna37 - what a commitment!
  • _Juggernaut_
    _Juggernaut_ Posts: 18 Member
    Have it planned to spend a day at a botanical garden and bamboo farm near where I live. Outside all day with miles of garden to walk.
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    Well done for dedicating so many days to giving us all a kick up the backside! :)

    I looked up the facilities of the hotel we are staying at for our holiday and, although I do intend to lie by the pool a lot, I have planned a routine where I get up before my BF (who is a fitness hater) to swim and hit the gym. Can't wait!
  • harmonjessicaa
    harmonjessicaa Posts: 32 Member
    I am taking my kids camping for a long weekend and plan on making it a very active one!
    Congrats Auna on your 100 days! Thanks for the daily challenges. Can't wait for June.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    I am planning a 10 day camping trip with my husband starting next Friday. There will be lots to do after the morning coffee.
  • TheSunshineQueen
    TheSunshineQueen Posts: 276 Member
    Nothing concrete yet, but I definitely want to try kayaking this summer. I just found a place a few miles from my house that's very reasonably priced. There's no weight limit on the boats either, which is relieving. Now all I have to do is muster up the courage for when the time comes!

    Oh! I also forgot that I signed up for a water aerobics class and swimming lessons for July. Not very adventurous, I know, but should be fun all the same!

    I'd also like to do a short, one-day hike. I was rather astonished to discover that there were several good hiking spots throughout the city and I'm hoping to take advantage of it. :)
  • Auna37
    Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
    Thank you all so much! This is a little delayed on my part but I don't have time for a vacation! So instead i will stick to sneaking exercises into my day!