Looking for T25 friends



  • Engmeme4
    Engmeme4 Posts: 16 Member
    lucylu7406 wrote: »
    I love T25! I also do P90x3, go to the gym, walking, jogging, riding my bike and any other activity to keep me going! Add me!

    I want to start P90X3 but im afraid from it seem very hard to do
  • Engmeme4
    Engmeme4 Posts: 16 Member
    Kimlp85 wrote: »
    Starting t25 on monday!! Has anyone seen result

    for sure i finish alpha and beta phase with 19 lb weight lose :smiley: and a lot of inches lost i can tell exactly since i cant take my measurement correctly but my all close are very big now stick to it and u will see amazing result
  • Engmeme4
    Engmeme4 Posts: 16 Member
    xxnecraxx wrote: »
    I'm at the end of week three! i feel great!

    u look amazing :smiley:
  • Engmeme4
    Engmeme4 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm on week 1 but I can never get past week 3 > . <. I'm doing my best and this time around I really want to Complete the program and do 2 cycles of both the alpha and beta cycles. Good luck to everyone still doing the program :smiley:
    the key to success is determined take ur workout as necessary mater don't question it or delay it
    i finished alpha and beta phase and on gamma and im happy more than any time
    if u need any support im here for u :) u can do it
  • Engmeme4
    Engmeme4 Posts: 16 Member
    YukiBuns wrote: »
    I just started T25 and I'm on the second day. I already lost around 2-3 lbs in a day from the first day workout. It feels like my belly and other places are bit firmer in one day already. So this makes me motivated of what results will come from it if I continue this for 1-2 months or more. But I'm also doing T25 along with Keto dieting, and taking CLA. If anyone wants to befriend me who's also doing T25 I'd like that also. It is a bit lonely to do it all alone and no one to share struggles and success with.[/quote

    we can do it :D but one Q what mean of Keto diet ?
  • kareeta
    kareeta Posts: 27 Member
    On day 2 of T25 , did Speed 1.0 before work this am and it was a great one!
  • barbi_jean
    barbi_jean Posts: 87 Member
    Hey everyone! We have a private support group on Facebook starting up
    on Sept 7th. They are a lot of fun! We post to the page daily, can win prizes, and the best part is
    that we keep each other motivated and accountable to our goals.
    I have room for a few more spots - if you’re open to it, let me know as soon as you can so we
    can secure your spot. Just add me as a friend on Facebook and let me know that you are interested in the support group! https://www.facebook.com/barbara.b.davis.96
  • Engmeme4
    Engmeme4 Posts: 16 Member
    kareeta wrote: »
    On day 2 of T25 , did Speed 1.0 before work this am and it was a great one!

    Good start or ur day :smile: stick to it tell to reach Speed3.0 u will feel like flying
  • Engmeme4
    Engmeme4 Posts: 16 Member
    barbi_jean wrote: »
    Hey everyone! We have a private support group on Facebook starting up
    on Sept 7th. They are a lot of fun! We post to the page daily, can win prizes, and the best part is
    that we keep each other motivated and accountable to our goals.
    I have room for a few more spots - if you’re open to it, let me know as soon as you can so we
    can secure your spot. Just add me as a friend on Facebook and let me know that you are interested in the support group! https://www.facebook.com/barbara.b.davis.96
    really i need some motivation can i have spot on ur group ?
  • tigersteffi
    tigersteffi Posts: 1 Member
    Going to finish alpha phase tomorrow and oh my god it's worked wonders. Completed the program before but doing a strict diet plan with it this time and I've toned up so much already! Genuinely can't wait for beta phase results!
  • shorelinex
    shorelinex Posts: 1 Member
    I started Focus T25 while I was living in Japan and it made me feel so good. I made it to the middle of the Beta phase before I had to stop (to prepare to move back to the U.S.) Since I've been back I tried a couple of times to restart but I kept giving up because of scheduling problems. Now I've decided to start up again. I may not do it exactly the way you're "supposed" to but I am going to make it work for me.
    I've realized it is okay if I can't follow the program to a t. If I want to change I need to make it work for me and just do it. If we want the changes, we have to make it happen for ourselves! Feel free to add. :smile:
  • Rocketqueeen
    Rocketqueeen Posts: 96 Member
    I finished all three phases but did it half assed and honestly my diet wasn't the best so my results were not ideal. Stared alpha again today after getting my FT4 HRM and I am super motivated!
  • Engmeme4
    Engmeme4 Posts: 16 Member
    I finished all three phases but did it half assed and honestly my diet wasn't the best so my results were not ideal. Stared alpha again today after getting my FT4 HRM and I am super motivated!

    you just have to speak to ur self its only 25 min per day and i already putting my gear on me so u must give it all ur can dont be lazy push ur self to the max and u will surpris
  • Engmeme4
    Engmeme4 Posts: 16 Member
    shorelinex wrote: »
    I started Focus T25 while I was living in Japan and it made me feel so good. I made it to the middle of the Beta phase before I had to stop (to prepare to move back to the U.S.) Since I've been back I tried a couple of times to restart but I kept giving up because of scheduling problems. Now I've decided to start up again. I may not do it exactly the way you're "supposed" to but I am going to make it work for me.
    I've realized it is okay if I can't follow the program to a t. If I want to change I need to make it work for me and just do it. If we want the changes, we have to make it happen for ourselves! Feel free to add. :smile:

    yeah exactly it's not about flow the schedule its about change our life and mind
  • mlcollins89
    mlcollins89 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm starting my 2nd round of T25 today (did it this time last year). I will be living out of a suitcase for the next 11weeks while I travel for work. The toughest part for me is having my diet in check with so many fast, naughty, sweet food temptations :|. So I've got a little cooler in the car loaded up veg, and lean protein.

    What are all of your favourite workouts? Cardio? Speed Intervals? Do tell! :D
  • vball1121
    vball1121 Posts: 36 Member
    Old post but I'm about to start up my Insanity/T25 hybrid mix next month. Please add me if you're open to doing something similar/doing one of them, I love stalking my MFP timeline when I get back in the groove of things.
  • ludarl
    ludarl Posts: 3 Member
    DUDE! I'm in :) I start on Monday. Very excited :D
  • jumpthemoon
    jumpthemoon Posts: 152 Member
    Hi. It's one of the programs I completed earlier in the year and am thinking of redoing it this fall. When did you start?
  • Engmeme4
    Engmeme4 Posts: 16 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi. It's one of the programs I completed earlier in the year and am thinking of redoing it this fall. When did you start?

    i just finished T25 and thiking about starting Cize or Max30
  • rrcy
    rrcy Posts: 1 Member
    finished all 3 alpha beta and gamma, now just began the gamma hybrid. Its a program that really pushes you, I lost weight loss and inches. I am happy with this choice.