GOALS -- Shoot for the Moon in JUNE!



  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    edited June 2015
    I've been absent from here for a while, so my goals are pretty simple:
    1. Start SL again
    2. Do weights 2x/week

    At least I kept up with the running, so I'm also running 3x a week, now working on a 10k program since I graduated c25k a week ago.

    So far doing good on both 1 and 2. Pulled a muscle in my shoulder at work, so debating whether to keep working out since my weights are less than 20lbs, or give it a rest. The muscle feels more tender than actually sore, so I might try it and see how it feels. Still running 3x/week. Been loving that. My 5k is this weekend. People are asking me if I'm still going to run with my injury, and my response is, "Nothing wrong with my legs!" I've been training for that race a long time, and I really want to do it.

    Guess it's time for another update...

    Did well this month. My shoulder healed fast, so that was no problem. I've been faithful to the SL program, and I've increased all my weights by 10lbs (2.5lbs a week). My starting weight was only 12lbs, so all the lifts have been really easy, to say the least. I've been lifting 2x a week, running 3x a week, on top of walking 6-7 miles a day at my job. Had a few bad moments in the beginning where I was just exhausted and dragging all day. Don't know if that was in response to the new activity level or if it was the heat that got to me. I live in southern CA, and summer has officially arrived with 90+ weather. It doesn't help that my workout station is outside, and since I work late at night, I sleep past the cool part of the morning.

    Is there not a July goals thread up yet?
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    andylllI wrote: »
    These are mine:
    Quit weighing daily it's messing with my head
    Strength train 2 sessions a week - up to three once home gym arrives in a couple weeks (yay!)
    - work pull-ups back up to 3
    Remember to bring my friggin reusable coffee cup to work and my water bottle
    A perfect record regarding bike commuting
    Consume 8 servings of fruits and veggies daily
    I'm going to put a bikini on my perfectly-right-now-bikini-ready-body and rock it - squishy tum be damned.

    I'm just getting back into lifting after a post surgical hiatus. I feel pretty weak and I'm not ready to set lifting goals because I'm not sure how quickly it's going to come back

    1) husband hid the scale now I can't weigh myself without wasting time to look for it. I couldn't accomplish this one on my own..daily weighing was becoming a habit but if the weight was low I would eat more and if the weight was high I would feel sad. Now water retention doesn't impact how I pursue my goals.
    2) strength training: 11 sessions this month. Close enough to 2-3 a week
    3) pull-ups - back to 4 BW reps :)
    4) this was probably the worst goal for me. I took my water bottle the first half but never filled it :(. The coffee mug was better but clearly coffee is more important to me than water.
    5) if I ride today I win this goal
    6) I forgot this was a thing. Must refocus next month
    7) I put a bikini on but I didn't take my clothes off to show it off. Mostly because my kids refused to go in the water park that day.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    1. Read Starting strength and start polishing up my form. Deload where necessary to do so. (Hopefully not at all)
    2. Incorporate more accessory work such as single leg lifts/squats, planks, hangs, pullups and walk a mile after lifting
    3. Increase jog time to 30 minutes and then start increasing pace (no specific pace yet)
    4. Meet my macro goals
    5. Keep losing. (3# &/or 3" - Still no shorts)
    6. 5 minute meditation (come on, I can do this!)

    1. Ummm forgot about this one...I have been however reading & watching videos pretty regularly to learn more about proper form.
    2. Still working on this one due to time constraints. I have added single leg work in whenever I can.
    3. Met this one! I am currently working on increasing my one mile pace through interval training.
    4. Macros are still so-so.
    5. Lost 2# & 2". It was a difficult month health-wise and I took off 2 weeks of workouts and nutrition was sloppy. I did however start to wear shorts at home when doing yard work etc to get some sun on my legs. :-)
    6. I've been doing a pretty good job on this one. Not perfect but definitely coming along.

    Congrats everyone on your efforts and accomplishments this past month!!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    andylllI wrote: »
    clearly coffee is more important to me than water.

    hee. yes, this. i drank my months' supply yesterday though. whoa nelly hot around here.

    my stuff. stoopid squat/form/lumbar stuff put a big wrench in things, but it's still nice to look back and see where i was before this short-term setback. because if i was there then i'm going to be there again.
    - squat: maintain @90, try for 105. incorporate front/sumo/goblet squats as accessories.
    - bench: maintain @75, try for 80 or 85. keep bench even with or lower than rows.
    - ohp: maintain @50, try for 55. keep doing the lighter-weight accessory sets on workout-a days.
    - rows: maintain @70, try for 80, most of all keep rows even with or heavier than bench press. lighter weight sets as accessory on workout-b days.
    - deadlift: 135lb.

    weight goal: 135lb.

    1. nope.
    2. nope. probably still 70, though i haven't benched in a while.
    3. yup. 55 might be another month off by the feeling of things. 50's okay, still feeling good about ohp and the progress potential for it.
    4. yup. not comfortably though.
    5. nopity nope nope nope.
    6. nope.

    basically a writeoff month, although i did better than i first expected when i went back to copy-paste them.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited July 2015
    giusa wrote: »
    June Goal:

    -Lose weight!

    Still struggling with weight…my entire focus this month! Time to make a doct apt :'(

    Since February my weight has fluctuated between 135/137. Friday's weigh-in hit 133 but not sure if it's a solid drop. At the same time, and at this point, it’s the lowest scale number since February so I'll take it! More important than scale weight, my clothes still fit the same so no progress, measurements this weekend but since my clothes fit the same I'm not expecting much change.

    Thyroid came back low but normal, more bloodwork to come...
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    What are they calling low but normal? Docs notoriously under treat low thyroid.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    What are they calling low but normal? Docs notoriously under treat low thyroid.
    I'm not sure exactly what they meant or how it is affecting my weight nor could they answer/guide me. The ranch is .5 to 4.5, I came in at 1.3. I'm at a lost and having a difficult time getting feedback.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    edited July 2015
    If that TSH?
    A lower TSH is actually a good thing (as long as it isn't really low).
    Lower TSH means that your thyroid doesn't require a high level of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone to produce its own hormones. Low T4 and T3 can indicate hypothyroidism, but that range makes me think TSH. You may want to ask for T4 and T3 tests though if you still suspect a thyroid problem. These will directly test the thyroid hormones. TSH is a good screening test, but doesn't give you the whole picture.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Agreed. My TSH has to be suppressed to below .5 (like .02) to get my t4&t3 in proper range. Some (dumb) docs won't do that for you but they are well, just dumb. Sounds harsh but when it comes to being functional or nonfunctional it's important to treat the patient properly...
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Yes, that was TSH. My T4 score came back at higher range of 1.4 (.8-1.7). From my understanding if one is at a higher range and another is a lower range it could indicate something but they're saying everything is good. My Vit D levels are severely low at 11.8 (30-100) but they just blew that off...so I'm looking at other possibilities...
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Your thyroid looks fine. If the TSH was high and T4 was low, that would indicate hypothyroid, but your numbers look good. I might look in to Vit D supplements though. I know a few people who were deficient (being in Canada and all :P) and supplementation gave them more energy.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    I also read they're studying the impact of Vit D and its correlation to weight. FDA will require % to be included on food labels. MFP will start including it.

    Overall, I do believe there is an issue. I've been eating at a 20% deficit with no results, no changes.

    There seems to be one wall after another.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    My vitamin D is low also. I supplement with 5000 iu per day per a nutritionist & doc. I know of several people who once they started supplementing with vitamin D had noticeably more energy and lost weight. I'm surprised and disappointed that supplementation was not recommended to you... Good luck!